Blood shed

10 1 0

Your pov:

The next morning I did my usual routine and just waited for 7:00 pm to roll around, me and Kenma had a date then. I didn't wear anything to fancy, just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater.

Neither of use really knew where we should go so we just went out for dinner since that's what a lot of people do. It was great! The food was delicious and I got to know some stuff about him that I didn't already know before.


When I got to my classroom today our teacher had told us that there was a new student, her name was_______(I literally cannot think of a name lmao, you can decide what her name is).

I honestly have no idea why but she hates my guts for some reason. "Hey loser." "I'm sorry?" "you heard me!"

Kenma's pov:

I saw some random blonde girl picking on y/n, I was all the way down the hall but I could still hear everything. It made my blood boil. I already have it all planned out, I will make her pay for that.

"I have some stuff I need to get done, you guys can walk home without me." "alright, later!" I absolutely hate every second I'm not with y/n but this needs to be done.

I followed the girl around and she's just gossiping with her friends, she mentioned y/n a couple of times I wanted to kill her there and then but I have self control.

I followed her home her address is _____________, that's pretty easy to remember. I wait until midnight and then make my move.

I wear all black and I have a hood on and a mask, I'm also wearing gloves, I'm not stupid enough to forget that. I go back to her house and climb in through her window, it wasn't locked so it was easy to break in.

I take the knife from my pocket and stab her right in the heart. I keep stabbing her to add insult to injury and also because I hate her.

I badly want to spit on her dead body but that would make it easier to trace my dna, so I won't. I leave without a trace and go back home to get some rest.

The next day I see on the news that she was dead, I felt great about it. "Hey, did you guys hear that _______ was murdered?" "oh yeah, it was brutal, what about you Kenma?"

"Yeah I did, I hope her family is okay." I don't actually think that, she deserved it and her family does too for raising a moron like her.

Heading towards us were a group of girls, around our age. The girl in the middle came up to me and started flirting with me. It made me nauseous.

She had a fake tan, really shity makeup, and she obviously had implants. Im usually not one to judge for that kind of stuff but it's mostly because I want something to complain about.

Y/n looked pissed, but that's understandable, I would be to if she was in my position. "I have a girlfriend, sorry." I'm not sorry, I just want her to shut up.

"Forget about her! Come spend the night with me! I'll show you the time of your life!" her friends were hyping her up. I honestly thought she would have went for Kuroo but I guess not.

"I'm alright thanks." I'm trying to keep my cool but she's making it extremely difficult. "What about him?" I pointed to Kuroo "He's single." "Uh maybe but it's not the same."

She's getting on my nerves. I wrap my arm around y/n's waist. "This is my girlfriend, so fuck off." Her facial expression was a mix of defeat and anger but I couldn't care less.

Partners in crime - Kenma x fem reader stalker x stalker auМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя