Preference #1 How you meet

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(I didn't do Bucky, sorry)

Pietro Maximoff- Pietro was running around, going for his morning run which consisted of running around the world a few times. He was on his 5th lap when something in a rundown town caught his eye. He stopped and looked towards the rubble of an abandoned building. Slightly visable in all the various pieces of wood and stone, was a bright (Favorite color) colored blanket that was wrapped around something tightly. He walked towards the pile and looked around, there was no one in sight from what he could see. He lifted a few pieces of wood so he could reach in and grab the thing. He poked the bundle just to make sure and to his suprise, it moved. "If this little (Favorite color) pile of blankets moves, it probably wants out of this no?" So he carefully grabbed the blanket and walked away from the building and sat on a wobbly bench. He unwrapped the blankets softly and found a little baby inside. He started to freak out because her eyes were closed and he thought that he might've hurt her in some way, but the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing beautiful (Y/E/C) orbs. Upon seeing Pietro the girl smiled and giggled, grabbing one of his fingers in both her hands. He smiled down at the girl. "Well little one, seeing as though you have no one to call your parents, I will take the roll..... (Y/N)." She smiled on hearing the name and Pietro chuckled. He situated her so she was pressed tightly against his chest and he held her head so she wouldn't get whiplash on the way back home.

Wade Wilson/Deadpool- Wade was on the roof of a building with a nice big slingshot and tons of paint filled balloons sitting next to him in a pile. After hitting a victim, he picked up another, set it, and let it loose on a dating couple down below. The girl screamed and the boy cursed multiple times. Both looked up, looking for the attacker, when another balloon of a different color came down and hit both of them in the faces. Wade was clutching his stomach and watching them run off. He wiped away a fake tear. "This is the life ain't it?" He grabbed another balloon and set it off onto another dating couple. He was laughing again, but this time he heard someone else's laughter. He looked around through his mask, trying to find who liked this Idea of fun. He looked over next to him on the roof and saw a little basket. Looking inside he found a little baby girl, and she was laughing. Wade smiled at the sound of her laughter. "You like that? Should I do another?" So he did, earning more laughter from the girl. "You have a good sense of humor girl. I like you, im going to take you home." He took her out of the basket and sat down with her facing him on his lap. "Lets see, you need a name. Mary? No, doesn't sound right. Lucy? Doesn't sound right either. Hmmm.... Oh! What about (Y/N)!" (If any of those names were your name, just switch them out with different ones!) She smiled up at him and chewed on her fist. "Im sensing you like that one, so (Y/N) it is!" He picked her up and both of them sat and laughed together at the painted people's reactions.

Peter Parker/Spiderman- A building was on fire in New York, and Peter was there to help. The building was evacuated, or so they thought. The building was close to falling and most people had already fled the area. Peter was doing one more check to see if anyone was still inside. After a minute of searching, he heard the shrill cries of a baby. "Uh oh, that doesn't sound good." He searched every room until he found the right one. The room was on fire and there was a ton of smoke. He ran into what once was a kids room And looked inside the crib to see a little girl that couldn't be more than a few months old. He quickly scooped up the shaking form and swung out of the window right when the building came crashing down. Peter had taken in a lot of smoke and he was feeling lightheaded so he just decided to go home and bring the baby back later. When he got to his own apartment, he fell onto the bed and darkness overcame him. ~Time Skip~ Peter slowly started to regain consciousness and he started to move, only to feel something curled up by his side. He opened his eyes to find the girl he had taken, cuddled up into his side, fast asleep. Upon seeing the little sleeping form, he smiled and noticed the baby starting to wake up. Her (Y/E/C) eyes opened and found the big white eyes of Peter's mask. Tears started to form in the girl's eyes and Peter took notice and took the mask off. On the girl's shirt she was wearing, was the name (Y/N). "(Y/N) huh? Well, I didn't hear anyone screaming for their baby, so how 'bout I keep you here for a while?" The girl smiled and chewed on her tiny fist. "Welcome to the family (Y/N)!"

Loki- Loki trudged through the white streets of Alaska. It was one of the only places where he thought he could hide from the Avengers. There weren't any people around, it was midnight, just how Loki liked it. He walked through the snowy park, thinking about everything and how he could possibly get revenge on the Avengers. He was walking past a playground when he heard little whimpers. Technically no one should be out in the cold at 12 o'clock at night so he decided to go check it out. He followed the whimpers and they led to the tube slide on the far back corner of the playground. He looked all around it and couldn't find any sign of life, so he looked inside and found a cardboard box that looked like it went through hell itself. He slid the box out and opened it to find a baby girl wrapped up in one torn blanket. The baby was shivering very hard and was sneezing every now and then. Even though Loki had extremely hard emotions and was very hard to break, this baby reminded him of himself when he was left to die. He carefully reached inside and with extreme care no one thought he had, he lifted her out and held her at arms length and looked her over. "It would probably be better if I left you to die in these cold conditions, probably doing you a favor." The girl stared at him and giggled. "You should be scared of me, im the monster parents tell their children about at night, yet here you are laughing. You could be a brave princess.... Princess (Y/N)." He brought her against his shoulder and he froze at the feeling of her tugging on his long raven hair. "I will bring you with me, but just because I am doesn't mean I like you, got that child?" She just yawned and nuzzled into his neck and her breathing slowed. For the first time in a few hundred years, Loki had a genuine smile on his face.

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