9. Brown Noise

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Yes, there exists no such thing but somehow Mina's room is... loud.

It isn't because of Doja Cat playing in the background, that is the least loud thing in the world right now. It is probably because of the bright hot-pink colours of the walls or the questionable collectables, or maybe the huge posters on the wall that may be of Henry Cavill and Jade Thirlwall.

Or maybe it's because of all the people present there. Yep, definitely all three.

"Everyone Nishi-man is here!" Kirishima announces.

Nishihara stands unimpressed at the door. Her gaze falls on Takami waving to her, sitting on the bed, Kirishima by the door, Sero and Bakugo playing video games and Bakugo seems to be losing for the way he's sneering and cursing.

"Wait!" Nishihara shoots a look at Takami. "What the hell is he doing here?"

Takami shrugs. "He got into a fight with Izuku so-"

"Don't take that nerd's name!" 

"Then you don't need me here."

Before Nishihara can turn, Mina grabs her by the shoulder. "You can't go," she looks up and meets Nishihara's confused eyes, "you need to fix him."


Mina turns her and Nishihara follows her gaze. She finds Kaminari splayed on the floor, his eyes staring at the ceiling blankly.

"The fuck's wrong with him?"

"He's convinced he's in a coma. You broke him."

Nishihara rolls her eyes, "He's overreacting. Y'all should know better than me how dramatic he is."

"Whatever. Fix him. I want my Kami-doll back."

Mina pulls Nishihara inside her room and shuts the door close. The loudness of the room increases 6.8 times. This time it is the overbearing room freshener.

Nishihara walks over to Kaminari and kicks the side of his stomach softly.

"Hey, dead insect. Get up."

"Hmmph," Kaminari groans.

Nishihara kicks harder. "Stop acting like a child."

"Ow!" Kaminari flinches but doesn't move at all.

"I barely put any weight on you. Get up before I crush your limbs on purpose."

Kaminari flinches harder but stays on the floor.

"Alright," Nishihara walks up to Takami and settles on the bed. "I give up. Let him die I don't care."

"Some hero," Mina scoffs.

"You said something?"

Mina squeaks, "No, not at all."

"AHA!" Bakugo yells, tossing the joystick on the mini sofa. "Eat shit, Tape Arms!"

"Come on, Kami-bro," Kirishima says as he jumps on Bakugo's place, "it's our turn."

In an instant, Kaminari jumps up from the floor and runs to the sofa.

"See," Nishihara points, "overdramatic."

After some time has passed, Nishihara looks up from her phone and sees Takami and Bakugo passed out on the sofa with her head on his shoulder, Sero and Kirishima still playing the game, and Mina and Kaminari giggling in the far corner of her room.

Seeing everyone busy with their own antics, Nishihara thinks of sneaking out to her own room but weirdly she can't move. If she can ignore Bakugo's soft snores, Kirishima and Sero's grunting and cursing, and Mina's giggling, there is actually a lot of peace in that room. It is a million times quieter than her head.

What's another hour gonna hurt?

Her attention returns to her phone again, scrolling through her (supposedly non-existent) Instagram. She has always found social media intriguing, although a big time waste, but useful. And it is the greatest escape from reality, so she gave in to the temptation. 

Almost two hours later, Nishihara finds everyone passed out in weird positions in weird spaces. She is on the bed by herself, alone in the dead night. The whirring of the console works as some brown noise as Nishihara slips into sleep.

The air is cool, nothing you'd expect in June. The feet are frozen- holding the body down- on the contrary, the hands are burning up but the tips of the finger stay prickly frost. As they caress the aching, desperate cheeks, the cosy warmth runs away abruptly. But somehow the sharp tickling pain feels more like home, feels saner than the false warmness of comfort. The feeling keeps getting colder and colder until the body loses the ability to shiver. 

It was the coldest December with the darkest night. Lonely and sad. Passengers on the same boat somehow got oceans apart. Drowning deeper and deeper, limbs were thrown to be saved but the voice only echoed, not heard. It was getting harder to breathe. Falling and falling and falling with no hope, no sunshine.

Until there was something gripping the arms, pulling them to the surface.

Nishihara gasps loudly as she jerks awake. Her chest rushes up and down as she pants and looks around. She is in Mina's dead silent room with everyone fast asleep in their places. There is a hand over her shoulder, she looks at the owner and her heart starts to quiet down. 

"Do you need water or something?"

Nishihara shakes her head as her arms wrap around herself. Kaminari quickly runs his finger over her bare arm. His warm touch sent shivers down Nishihara's body.

"You're freezing." Kaminari pulls his sweatshirt over his head and hands it to Nishihara. "Wear it."

Nishihara, in normal circumstances, would've rejected and walked away but she is in no control to do either of those. So, she takes the yellow sweatshirt and attempts to wear it. It never reaches her waist, and her arms can barely move. Her muscly arms are too large for the sleeves and her toned shoulders made the material stretch more than it is required to.

"It's a little too small, isn't it?" Kaminari asks in a soft whisper.

"Y-yeah," Nishihara replies, her teeth clattering.

"Oh!" An idea pops into Kaminari's head that causes him to jump. "I have a heater in my room. Let's go."

"I am n-not going to y-your room."

"It's too noisy. It'll wake everyone up."

"I'll be fine o-on my own."

Kaminari shakes his head. "No way I'm leaving you alone now. You were shivering and shaking a minute ago, you still are. It's scary. I'll stay the night or I'm waking someone. Mina?"

"No! No." Nishihara looks around and sighs. "F-fine." She really doesn't want to be alone.

"Will you be able to walk back to your room?"

Nishihara nods.

"Good. I'll bring the heater to you."

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