48. Rings *NSFW*

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New Year's Eve drapes the city in anticipation and festive fervour. Glittering lights adorn buildings, streets bustle with merry crowds, and laughter pairs with fireworks and cheers.

In the heart of it all, Nishihara and Kaminari are navigating the crowded streets of Saitama. They hurriedly board the last train and hope that they reach UA before the clock strikes midnight.

The stay at Kaminari's house somehow extended a little longer. His parents convinced them to spend the night because of the cold, which ended up stretching until New Year's Eve. Now, the pair have got to return before midnight, or Mina will not let them live it down next year.

It's not like Nishihara is scared of her. No. No. She just doesn't want the nuisance and nagging.

So the couple stands in the corner of the packed train with Nishihara's arms caging Kaminari in his place.

"I bet I can guess what's on your mind," Kaminari says.

"Really? Do enlighten me, mind-reader."

"Electric daydreams about me, of course. Sparks flying everywhere."

Nishihara smirks. "I don't know about sparks, but there sure are clothes flying everywhere."

"Smooth, Nish." Kaminari laughs heartily. "But don't you think you're electrifying the atmosphere a bit too much?

"Can't help it when I'm with someone as shockingly wonderful as you."

"Your pun game is shocking too."

"What can I say? I like a little spark."

"Then why did you resist my magnetic charm at the beginning of the semester?"

"Denki, that was more like magnetic repulsion."

Kaminari replies, feigning hurt. "Ouch!"

"But you know, your cheesy lines indirectly worked somehow."

"In that case," Kaminari says, getting closer to her ears. "I'm very eager to give you a little shock therapy when we reach the dorms."

A shiver runs down Nishihara's spine.

"What? You suddenly got a bit tense there, darling."

"No. I-"

"You really do like when I zap you a little, don't you?" Kaminari whispers.

Gulping, Nishihara nods once.

The couple hurries to school when they exit the train. Hand in hand, they don't even bother to get a cab and sprint excitedly, laughing.

Snow falls heavily by the time they reach school. It's almost 11 now, and the New Year's party is in full swing. Nishihara and Kaminari open the main doors and are completely enveloped in the warmth of the room.

Only a handful of students remain, as the majority have already headed home. Mina races from the dance floor to the couple as soon as they walk inside the dormitory.

"There you are! You realise it's only 57 minutes to midnight?"

"Not our fault trains are packed," Nishihara says.

"Well, you could've-"

"Mina, Mina," Kaminari interjects. "Lecture us later. We're freezing."

Mina sighs. "Fine. You better come downstairs before it's midnight."

Kaminari doesn't wait for anything else as he grabs Nishihara's hand and rushes to the stairs.

"I didn't know you were feeling this cold," Nishihara says.

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