50. Sparky and Marina

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Kaminari's POV:

Nishihara and I push open the door and instantly stumble back. The dust quite literally burst through the apartment as if it had been trapped inside forcefully.

"It's a bit of a mess, isn't it?" I say jokingly.

"Dad wasn't big on cleaning," Nishihara, as serious as ever, replies.

Nishihara is shifting here once we're done with our exams. She doesn't seem so thrilled, though, probably because this is her father's last belonging that is going to be transferred to her now.

I, for one, am very excited to have her close to me during the vacation.

As much as she hates to admit it or call me dumbass, I know how much she needs me. She's so focused, so capable, yet there's always a fear in her every step. It's like she walks on eggshells every day.

I want to crush those shells and help her ground her feet.

"Denki, come here."

I follow her voice and walk inside the dirty apartment. The place is full of furniture, artefacts, and belongings just biting dust. I don't even want to know when was the last time they were in this apartment was and things were good.

"Yeah?" I ask as I step into a room.

I think it's supposed to be her room. The walls are blue, but they've faded now. There is a big bed in the centre with the mattress upside down, the closet half open with barely any clothes in it, and the desk...let's just not talk about the desk.

It's like a hurricane hit the room.

"Wow, Nish, you were really clean when you were a teen."

"Ignore that and see this."

"How in the hell can I ignore the mess?"

"Oh, shut it," she says and grabs my face. With her fingers squishing my cheeks, she moves my head in the direction she is pointing.

"Oh my!" I almost shout, but she smacks my head, and I shut up.

Kittens. Two kittens are sleeping in the corner of the room, cuddling one another.

"Where did they come from?"

"The window was open so maybe their mother left them here."

"Can we keep them, please?"

"Are you kidding me? I doubt their mother would let us have them."

"But look at them." I move slowly towards the kitten. "Nish, why do they look so weak? They aren't even aware that we are here."


"I'm calling Koda."

"What's he gonna do?"

"Talk to them. Hello? Koda?" I say into the phone. "Can you talk to animals through the phone? Yeah, I can't see you, you have to speak."

I put the phone on speaker and bring it closer to the kittens.

When Koda starts speaking, the kittens finally move a little and meow weakly. They go on for a few minutes, and I look back at Nishihara. She looks concerned.

"Koda, what's up?"

Koda speaks to us in a soft voice. "These kittens have been in here for two days alone. Their mother hasn't come to visit them."

"Shit," Nishihara says.

"I can't say for sure, but I don't think their mother will come back. And by their voice, they need immediate care," Koda explains. "Kaminari, please feed them and keep them warm."

Polars // Kaminari Denki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now