19. Emotions

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Kaminari presses his fist on his thighs to stop his legs from bouncing. It has been over an hour since Nishihara left him in the lobby and there is no sign of her. He tries calling once but it goes to voicemail. 

He calls Kirishima and informs him of the situation and asks permission from Aizawa to stay out for the night. Luckily he agrees. 

Now as he waits for her call, Nishihara's image flashes in his mind. He saw a spark of sadness in her eyes, her lips quivered slightly, and her hands trembled when she walked away. All these within a couple of minutes and barely any emotion in these couple of months he's known her. It terrified him. 

He shouldn't have left her alone even if it meant a mild injury to his body, he should've been persistent. He hands a teddy bear soft toy to the kid beside him who came up to Kaminari earlier and offered it so he'd be happy. Kaminari rushes out of the room and stands puzzled. Left or right?

He spends a lot of time racking his brain to remember which way he came from. Eventually, he heads for the elevator and goes to the ground floor to the receptionist Nishihara greeted before.

"Hello, where is Mr. Nishihara's room?"

The receptionist doesn't look up from her phone. "Your name and your relation?"

"Kaminari Denki and I um-" He hesitates, "-close friends with his daughter."

Cocking her brows, the receptionist eyes Kaminari suspiciously. "You. Amaya's friend?"

"Huh? Of course. We're in the same class."

"Go home kid," she pulls her attention back to her phone. "I doubt she'll be in a good mood today."

Kaminari presses his elbows on the desk and leans forward. "Come on, cutie, it's just a room number."

"Only family members."

"If you tell me, I'll tell you my phone number," Kaminari winks when she looks up. 

"Go home. KID."

Kaminari groans in frustration and grabs her shoulder. He sends a small electric shock through her body causing her to pass out on the desk.

"A hero doing villain things," he walks around the desk and accesses her computer, "What'd you made me do, Nish?"

Her father is admitted to room 504 in the right wing. He quickly leaves the reception before someone finds him with the unconscious lady. 

It's all her fault though. Nishihara killed all my rizz, what else was I supposed to do?

He spends another half hour trying to figure out where the hell was the right wing when he overhears a nurse telling another nurse that she is going to the right wing, so Kaminari simply tails her.

He reaches the fifth floor and as he stands in front of room 504, he can't find the courage to push the door open and walk in. He definitely isn't ready to see Nishihara vulnerable, at her lowest. What will she do? She'll push him away and he doesn't want to be away from her.

Over the months, the number of times Nishihara rolled her eyes at him and told him to get lost made Kaminari even more fixated on her and chase her. From their endless fights to their endless teasing, when did their quarrels turn into something so real neither of them realised?

Walking away just doesn't feel right.

Before Kaminari can walk in, he hears his name being called so when he turns around, he sees Nishihara poking her head out of the janitor's closet.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

Kaminari notices her reddened knuckles, as if she punched something hard, her drowsy eyes, and her heaving chest.

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