Part 8. The Archon's request..?

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- So what you're trying to say... - a man's thoughtful voice sounded, - that there is no possible way to decipher what is written here?
Two men were in a room full of books, papers, scrolls, strange mechanisms, in the usual style peculiar to Fontaine; it looked like a laboratory, but not an alchemical one, but a writer's one... or scholar's one? Yes, that's what your room turns into when studying ancient languages.
One of the men was sitting at an office desk littered with stacks of papers covered with various hieroglyphs and pictures, the other man was standing on the other side of the table. Both were busy with something.

- Ah i'm sorry, master [d/n], - a voice belonging to the man sitting at the desk sounded in the room, followed by a sigh of confusion, as he lowered his hand on the desk, holding a gold pendant in it, - i tried to compare all these uh... writings... to all currently existing languages in Teyvat, even to the forgotten ones, but... - red-eyed standing on the other side of the desk was very attentive to what the man was saying to him, his face was serious and thoughtful as he kept his hand on his chin, - perhaps they are only vaguely similar, but if you try to translate... uh the resulting text just doesn't make sense, except for two words that can be translated as "the end" and "eternity". Of course, this is just conjecture.

- Hmm... - [d/n] thought about the man's words, - so the end of eternity..? - he began to slowly walk around the room with a thoughtful look, both fell silent for a while, - ...sounds kinda weird, Dammarten?
- Hah that's right, i agree, - the man at the desk chuckled, - eternity is uh... eternal? How can there be an end? An eternity with an end is not an eternity at all, right? Uh i guess the translation is just wrong... - the man frowned slightly narrowing his eyes looking at his hand.
- "So this language is..." - [d/n] stopped and looked at the pendant, - "definitely from her world... but these words..."
- But... eternity? What if it has something to do with the Electro Archon? - the man thought about his own words, - it would be...
- No, - red-eyed immediately cut off.
- Huh okay... - the man sighed, pausing as if processing information, - by the way... just wanted to tell you... i find something about this pendant interesting. Every time i touch it, i feel something strange, but this feeling... it's just defies description, - the man raised his hand with the pendant, resting his elbow on the desk and looking at [d/n], - the words seem to sound in my head, but i can't, how should i say it, embody them..? Huh... - the man exhaled, - it's the first time i've experienced something like this, but it doesn't seem to hurt me, but as if on the contrary, reassuring to my mind. Hah weird... I don't think i should ask where you found it, master [d/n]?
- "Something strange..? Reassuring?" - a thought immediately flashed through [d/n's] head, - oh, how wonderful that you manage to understand me even without words, - he smiled with the corner of his lips, - "but i don't feel anything..."

The man exhaled understandingly, nodding his head, as if it was a common thing, - as long as you're not trying to curse me with this strange pendant... i've known you way too long, - he said, holding out his hand with a pendant to the red-eyed, - please, just don't get into big trouble, Mr. Great Detective.
- Ah, surely i won't, - with a sly smile, the man took the pendant from Dammarten's hands and then sighed, looking at it, - i'll take my leave then, i guess i need to think now...
- Sure, - Dammarten nodded his head, looking at [d/n], still sitting at the desk, - have a great day then, master [d/n].
- Yeah, you too, buddy, - the man said leaving the room, - "so she's the only one who can understand these writings... what a pity", - red-eyed seemed disappointed.
- Paimon thinks that they should add less salt and more milk... OH and sprinkle everything with cheese on top! Then the taste of this dish wouldn't be so... uh... you know... - a thoughtful voice belonging to a little girl was heard, - but Paimon sure it will be very delicious! Traveler, don't forget to ask them for a recipe...
- Paimon... - the man with blond hair chuckled, - i think if you do all this, it will be a completely different dish.
- Uh... But... Uh anyway it wouldn't spoil the dish at all! - the girl exclaimed being a little confused.
[Y/n] was sitting with them and chuckled at Paimon's words together with the blond man, - people in Fontaine adore it, i think you're just not used to it yet, Paimon...
- Hmm... Maybe! But we still have to try to cook following Paimon's recipe. Traveler? Please please~? - the little girl looked at the Traveler with hope in her eyes, - oh! And we can invite [y/n] too!
- Alright, Paimon, - the man sighed, nodding his head.
- Why? Do you want me to compare the original dish and yours..? - [y/n] asked, looking at the floating girl.
- Correct, - the girl took a proud pose, putting her hands on her hips, - it will be a great battle of chefs! We'll see whose recipe is better.
- Oh, really? Are you going to fight someone, Paimon? - the blond man asked teasingly, stifling a chuckle, - can't wait to see...
- ...Uhm... no, Paimon will watch you cook... but Paimon can help! Paimon will serve the ingredients and tell you how much and what ingredients to add! - the floating girl was hyped up, - after all, we have already participated in culinary duels before. We have the perfect team!
- Yes, the perfect team: one cooks, the other eats as fast as possible, - the man said and both him and [y/n] burst out laughing.
- Hey!!! That's not true! - the girl made an offended face and crossed her arms, - what's funny here?! Hmph...
- In any case, i don't mind trying what will turn out according to your recipe, - calmed down [y/n] said, - i'm intrigued, i'd say.
- Then deal! - the girl said in a joyful voice, as if she wasn't offended anymore, - we'll all eat together... and call the others! And...
- Yeah, Paimon, but for now... - Traveler got up from his chair as if reluctantly, - Katheryne asked us to come over in the afternoon, she had some kind of task for us, - with these words he turned to [y/n], - you can come with us if you're not busy. Then Paimon will be able to tell you even more about the changes she is going to make to the Fontaine's kitchen...
- Hey! - the floating girl exclaimed having displeased face, but it then changed to thoughtful as if Traveler's words actually made sense, - actually... there are some changes that Paimon would like to make... hmm...
- Haha, thank you, - [y/n] chuckled slightly, - i would like to join you, but unfortunately i can't... i've received an important task today as well... i'll have to leave the city for two weeks, - she sighed heavily, - but there's so much left to do...
- Ohhh... - Paimon seemed upset hearing the girl's words, - so that means we won't try Paimon's recipe together...?
- Oh, don't worry, Paimon, i'll be able to try your recipe in two weeks, - [y/n] said smiling, - maybe by that time you will manage to make changes to some other dishes. Surprise me.
- Uh yes! Paimon will surprise you with a lot of food when you get back! Oh... Paimon means and Traveler too! - she added "Traveler" when she noticed his look.
- Yes, i can already imagine our conversations with Paimon for the next two weeks, - Traveler nodded his head, confirming Paimon's words, - well then, i hope you'll be all right. Have a good trip and be careful, please...

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