Chapter 3 ~ Rescue Mission

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Hello! So here we are, at Chapter 3! Who's excited? Anyways, if you could please check out my story Moments! I would love it if you did! It's posted on my shared account with @theOceanx and its called @realityruined_mylife. It is a Zarry.... (I AM OBSESSED!)

Oh and sorry for mistakes, its not edited!

~Beth xx

Harry's POV

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get that boy out of my head. It had been a few days since we went to the circus and I was a little distracted. I mean so would you if the cries of pain haunted you.

He needed help and I could give it to him. If I wasn’t such a wimp.

“Harry! Time for dinner!” I heard my sister Gemma call. She was here for dinner after her fiancée went to America for a while.

She was engaged and lived with Jim, her fiancée.

I sighed, and heaved myself up, not really wanting to eat. Still I made myself move downstairs and sit with the rest of my family.

“I made tacos for dinner!” My mum said cheerfully. Dad chuckled and sat down beside me. Now, normally tacos were my favorite, but tonight I just picked at the shell and nibbled on the lettuce inside.

“What’s wrong Haz? You haven’t touched your dinner!” Mum exclaimed. I sighed, “I am not hungry mum, can I eat later?”

She pondered this for a bit but finally agreed. I set my dinner in the fridge and trudged up to my room.

While I was still walking, a brilliant idea popped into my head. As my realization grew my idea seemed perfect. I ran up the rest of the stairs and grabbed my cell phone. I thought, maybe I shouldn’t…

But then the cat boy’s eyes came to mind. When I finally grew some balls I dialed a number and waited for him to pick up.



“What? I’m eating dinner!”

“Never mind that, I need you to tell me when the circus leaves!”

There was a pause.

“They leave today actually. 8:30 pm.”

My breath quickened and I snapped my gaze to the clock, 7:45 pm.

“Thanks! Bye!”

The phone line went dead and I threw my phone onto my bed and grabbed my keys.

I flew downstairs and grabbed my jacket.

“I’m going out! Be back soon!”

Before anyone could reply, I was already out the door.

I got in my car and sped to Louis’ house.

I ran to his doorstep and punched my finger at the doorbell.

He finally opened the door and instead of letting him say anything, I grabbed his arm and ran to my car.

“We don’t have much time!” I said glancing at the time, 7:50 pm.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“Just buckle up!”

He followed my orders and we sped off towards the circus grounds.

When we got there, I got out of my car and started sprinting inside, leaving Louis to park my car.

I ran around nervously to see people packing up the last tents.

I ran to one of the people who was hauling some wood, “where are the circus acts?” I asked. He raised an eyebrow but pointed towards a tent, which had not yet been packed. I nodded and made my way inside.

There were so much people inside, some sleeping, others chatting and some just staring into nothing, sadly.

I stopped; these people had no lives, no kids, husbands or wives. Just themselves and there fellow acts. Shaking my head pitifully I made my way to the back of the tent. Oddly none of the people had noticed me.

At the back, was a small cage, about the size of my closet? Curiosity got the best of me and I ripped off the sheet. I almost gasped when I saw that the Hybrid boy was inside, curled in one corner sleeping. He looked at peace, but seeing his state made my heart clench. I poked him awkwardly and he instantly woke.

After adverting his gaze to me, he stopped and stared at me.

“Lets go!” I whispered urgently.

He shook his head and moved even farther inside.

“I wont hurt you, but these people will! Come with me!” I begged. The raven-haired boy’s ears pressed against his hair and he looked to the ground as if he was thinking.

I glanced at my watch 7:55 pm.

“We don’t have much time left!”

His head snapped to me and he lifted one shaky finger and pointed behind me. I turned around and caught the sight of keys, lying on a crate.

I would have laughed, at such careless people, leaving their keys so openly. But right now I was grateful. I grabbed them and with trembling hands I unlocked the cage. It creaked open and I grabbed the boy’s arm and practically carried him to the backside of the tent. With one hand I lifted the fabric of the tent and jogged out. I could feel wetness against my jacket and looked to see the boy crying in my chest. Finally in the fresh air I sped up and ran to the parking lot. It wasn’t that he was heavy, no he was quite light. Which made me think about how much he ate.

Finally I spotted my car and smiled when I saw Louis standing beside it. Louis noticed me and the boy and his eyes widened.

“What are you doing?” He hissed. I ignored him and opened the back door and gently put the boy inside.

“Will you drive?” I asked.

“Only if you tell me what’s going on!”

I nodded, “I am helping him Lou, he doesn’t deserve a life like that!”

“Are you crazy! What if they find us? You could end up in jail!”

“I know, but right now I don’t care!”

After debating with himself he finally got in the drivers seat. I smiled wearily.

He nodded sending me a tight-lipped smile. The reason I dragged Louis with me was because he lived alone. I still lived with my parents and there shock to seeing a Hybrid would freak them out!

I collapsed into the back with the boy and he pushed away from me. He looked at me with big terrified bambi eyes and my heart just ripped into two pieces. I pulled him towards me and he curled into my lap. I chuckled; his behavior was so kitten like!

“What’s your name?” I asked hoping he knew how to speak.

After a long while he said it, barely audible, but I still heard.


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