Chapter 12 ~ Nightmares

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Okay! I know this might be short, but I didn’t want to let any of you down!

"Louis!" I called, rushing over to my best friend. He was standing at the airport, his face scrunched up in confusion. As soon as I called his name, he whipped around to face me.

"Haaaaaarreh!" His body thumped against mine in an awkward hug. I could feel hundreds of eyes on us, but I couldn't give a fuck.

"It's been forever!" He cried, as we parted.

"Lou, it's been a week, be practical." I rolled my eyes and he pouted.

"Whatever." He said sassily.

I grew quiet, even this made me remember Zayn. Louis used to use that attitude when he wanted Zayn to eat his vegetables.

"We'll find him." He murmured, hugging me. Louis was the best, and I couldn't ask for anyone else.

Dr. Malik was back at our hotel, he didn't feel comfortable with seeing Louis. Which was fine, it would be awkward, with his steely gaze.

"Lets go back, you must be tired." I led him to a taxi, pushing him in.

He had a duffel bag, but that was it.

"Whom did you leave the house with?" I asked curiously.

"Liam, duh." He smiled as if he made the best decision ever.

"You idiot! Liam! Liam is a softie, so if Niall says something along the lines of 'party!' Liam will agree!" I shook my head.

"Oh shit, Liam, bad idea! Niall, even worse." He said sheepishly.

"I swear, if any of Zayn's things are touched, I will personally come and murder them!" I growled. I didn't want anything of Zayn's to be touched.

"£25." The taxi driver said in a bored voice. I handed him some cash I borrowed from Dr. Malik.

"Lets go." I muttered.

"Oooh! Fancy!" Louis whistled, I glared towards him and he shut up.

We checked in, an extra room for Louis before heading back upstairs.

"Dr. Malik?" He was sitting, crouched by his laptop. He no longer looked like he was in charge; he had black circles under his eyes. He was wearing a plaid shirt and plain khakis.

"This is my friend, Louis."

"Hello Louis." He said tiredly.

"Pleasure is all mine sir." Louis smiled. That was one quality that I was jealous of. Louis could make friends, or talk to anyone he liked. Already, he had Dr. Malik's approval, and I was still at the awkward-you're-dating-my-son stage.

It was May 15, and if I could recall, we would need tickets for tomorrow.

"Online tickets?" I asked thoughtfully.

"Already done. 3 ringside seats." Zayn's father called from his spot.

"Even if we can see him, how will we get him out." Louis pointed out.

I hadn't thought of that, but apparently Dr. Malik had.

"Simple; we negotiate." He said calmly, which kind of scared me.

"How?" Louis was full of questions.

"I have money, a lot. We offer them money, for Zayn. Come here and let me explain." We closed in on him, learning the plan. It wasn't fool proof, but it could get us somewhere.

Everyone went to bed early, in high hopes of finding Zayn.

I lay in my memory foam mattress, trying not to think of the empty space beside me. Thinking of everything that happened-- Zayn, Zayn's rape, Zayn's kidnapping--I fell asleep.

“Harry!” I whipped around, it was Zayn. He was smiling and waving at me.

“Zayn!” I smiled joyfully and ran to him. But the more I ran, the farther he got. Suddenly his smile was gone, and it was like he was being dragged away by an invisible force. It was pushing him farther away from me.

“Zayn!” I cried, pushing my legs to run faster. It burned, but I wanted to reach him. He was crying, tears fell down his face as he was dragged away. Finally, he stopped, but there was a man. He wore pure black clothes, and his face was unseeable. I could feel his grin, and a sharp dagger appeared out of nowhere. It gleamed in light, which wasn’t there. The three prongs, ridged so sharply, I could feel it cut through me, even though I was far.

“Goodbye, Kitty....” The man spat, his voice like nails on metal. It was unlike anything, so purely evil, I could feel my body cringe.

In a flash, his knife was stabbed inside Zayn’s stomach. He let out a strangled scream, as the  man harshly twisted it in his stomach. With a squelching sound, he pulled it out, and entered it into his chest. I could feel his pain, like my own blood was being shed.

“Zayn!” I sobbed, rushing towards him, but I couldn’t.

He screamed once more, as his body went limp.

"Mnhgrah!" I woke up with a cold sweat. My heart was pounding so hard, I could feel it thumping against my ribs unsteadily. I pushed the covers off, and ran for the mini fridge, gulping down some ice cold water.

"Louis. Louis!" I hissed after I had staggered to his room.

"What...?" He mumbled, pulling his covers higher.

"It's Z-Zayn." I whispered shakily.

He shot up, wide eyed.

"I-I had a dream, he was t-there!" I cried.

"What happened?" He asked, opening up his arms. As soon as I was cuddled into my best friends warmth, I broke.Tears streamed down my face in wet blobs, and they just didn't stop. The nightmare, it was terrible, my heart was still pounding.

Finally, when they stopped, “Okay...?” Louis whispered softly.

I nodded, and tried to explain to him what happened, but I couldn’t, what I saw was scarred into my brain.

“Just go to sleep.” Louis told me, pushing me onto the pillow.

I nodded, wiping my cheeks, as he got up to change his tear soaked shirt.

I lay in the dark, thinking and listening to the soft snores of my best friend, which I wished belonged to my Kitty, so badly.

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