Chapter 7 ~ Midnight Accidents

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Okay, this will be crazy short because I am short on time right now, and I felt you might want an update… ;)

~Beth xx

Harry’s POV

Zayn was beginning to trust me. I mean he was laughing along and had spoken 3 more words than he did to me yesterday. Erm, it was a start…?


 It was the middle of the night and I came to check on him. I had been sleeping over at Louis’ house for about a week. My parents were gone for the week. Dad had business trip in the USA and mum had to go because she wanted to visit aunt Florence.

So basically I was mooching off of Louis until my parents came back.

I stumbled through the hallway to get to the guest room, which Zayn was sleeping in. He got the guest room and I slept on the couch. When I reached his room, I went inside, only to be met with an empty bed. I panicked and immediately thought of getting Louis. Maybe Zayn was still in the house?

I rushed through the house and found him in the kitchen. I sighed in relief and pulled him to me.

“You scared the crap out of me!” I breathed.

When I let him go from my forced hug, he smiled.

“Milk?” he said sheepishly.

I cooed at his innocence.

“Of course kitten!” I said, grabbing a cup and pouring in some milk.

He slurped it up happily, sporting a milk moustache when he finished. I smiled, grabbing a napkin, wiping away his moustache.

I scanned the kitchen and sighed warily at the dirty dishes.

Grabbing a dirty plate, I started washing as Zayn sat on the counter swinging his legs back and forth. He was so cute!

As I reached in to grab another plate, something sharp in the soapy water stung my finger. I pulled my now bloody finger and saw a deep cut running through the base. As the soap trickled into my wound, I winced and whipped my hand for a paper towel. My blood soaked the towel and I looked over to zayn to was still swinging around, humming a mindless tune.

“Zayn!” I hissed.

He looked up surprised.

“I need you to get Louis for me.” I said biting away tears of pain. He nodded and rushed out of the kitchen.

He came back instantly, Louis at hand.

“Harry hurt!” he said softly, tears in his eyes.

“Aw! Kitten, I am fine.” I said trying to ignore the pain for Zayn’s sake.

“I am going to get the first-aid kit.” Louis murmured running out of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Zayn hurried to me, hugging me.

“M’sorry!” he mumbled though this was not his fault in any way at all.

“Kitten, it’s not your fault, there was just a knife and I didn’t see it.” I tried to explain but he wouldn’t have any of it.

“Yes it is!” he insisted.

“Yesterday, I tried to help Louis cook pancakes and he was using the knife to open the chocolate chip bag. Then he asked me to put in the dishwasher but Zayn got lazy and threw it in the sink instead!” he whispered using bad grammar, guilt written all over his face.

I almost chuckled at how adorable his behavior was. He thought it was his fault! It was quite hilarious.

“Don’t worry, I’m not mad, I’m just hurt.” I said through stifled laughs.

Louis came back breathless, holding the first-aid kit.

After I was patched up, Louis asked why I was in the kitchen in the first place.

The story of how I came looking for Zayn, then seeing the dishes, then washing them unraveled.

Louis looked sheepish as I scolded him for leaving all the dishes.

“Let’s sleep yeah?” Louis sighed after learning his lesson.

“Sleep with me?” Zayn asked in a small voice as if he was scared of my answer.

I smiled, thinking about what happened today. It was almost 3 ‘o clock and I was dog tired.

“Yeah, of course kitten.”

You were expecting something perverted right? ;)

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