Talon and Mattias

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It was a bright day in the land of Skyrim, to the west lied the city of Solitude, where a particular Argonian was recounting tales of his time in the Imperial army with a High elf.

"Ulfric stormcloak died at my hand, using a sword given to me by General Tullius himself. The tyrant was finally dead, and my Saxheel brothers and sisters need not worry of the horrid discrimination any longer"

"Nor the dark elves"

The two down the rest of their mead and are interrupted by a nord.

"Ah, He-Who-Drinks"

"You know that is not my name."

The nord in question was named Mattias, an archer born in the town of solitude.

The Argonian's actual name was Talen-Xeirgalus, no one knew what it meant, but those who knew of him said it meant "king-slayer" no one knows if they actually tells the truth. For those who cannot pronounce his name, or those more associated with tamerielic language, he simply goes by Talon

The High elf was named Saria, a mage from the college of winterhold

Mattias "Ay, but can't a Nord poke fun at his Argonian Friend?" He says as he down besides him.

Talon "No, I suppose not."

Saria"you two know eachother?"

Talon "he was one of the nords who fought against the stormcloaks when imperial forces attacked the city, he was also a spy for us.

Mattias "that I was."

An Argonian bartender got the lizard and the elf thier drinks

"And for you sir?"

Mattias "I'll have mead thanks"

Talon and the Argonian start to speak to eachother in a series of hisses and clicks.

Talon "she said she'll be quick."

Mattias "what was that?"

Talon "Jel, my native langauge."

Mattias "may I ask how you two know eachother?"

Talon "she is my fellow hatchling, goes by the name Eagle in your tongue."

Mattias "what's her Black Marsh name?"

Talon "If I told you you wouldn't understand me."

Saria"I shall be leaving for the college, a pleasure to see you again, Talon, as to meet you Mattias.

Mattias "Likewise"

Talon "so, Mattias, any news on the house?"

Mattias "coming along nicely, great view of the mountains. What if yours? Your daughter still play in the streets with the other children?"

Talon "yes, quite the energetic one, my daughter."

Mattias "does it not bother you she is not one of your kind"

Talon "if it did, she wouldn't be my daughter, nor would I be a father, or any kind of man for that matter."

Mattias "right. Well, I was planning to go exploring today, see what I find, would you be willing to come with?"

Talon "why yes, I would."

Mattias "your powers will be of great use."

Talon "as will your company. And now"

The two set off to Talon's house in solitude to tell his daughter, and leave the city in search of adventure.

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