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Upon arriving to Dawnstar, Talon and Mattias see Dawnstar burning, they rush in to find its citizens slaughtered and Jarl missing.

Talon "No.."

The pair looked around for survivors, finding a child hiding under a table.

Mattias "hello little girl."

"W-where is my papa?"

Mattias "I do not know."

"H-he had a necklace, an amulet of Talos!"

Talon just looked away from the child, as she looked like his own daughter, he couldn't bare to tell the child they saw her father, but she had a right to know.

Talon "Child, come here."

The child stepped up to the white Argonian, who knelt down for the child to get a better look.

Talon "outstretch your hand."

The girl does as she was told, Talon gives her the amulet her father had, then closes her hand.

Talon "I am sorry."

He gets up and is surprised when the girl hugs his leg"

Talon just headpats the girl who then legs go, and Mattias picks her up. The trio heads out and talon spots tracks leading south.

Talon "take care of the kid Mattias. I'm going after the one who did this."

Mattias "Talos guide you Talon."

Talon summoned Arvak and headed off in the direction of the tracks.

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