Werewolf part name

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The growling got louder as Mattias and Elaine braced themselves for a fight.

Mattias "sounds like multiple."

Elaine "got any silver arrows?"

Mattias "one time I don't take them."

Elaine "ready yourself."

A werewolf howled as it charged towards the pair, clawing at Elaine before getting an arrow in the eye before having it's throat slit by the wood elf by her silver dagger, meanwhile Mattias is somehow wrestling the savage beast, beating it before putting an arrow between its eyes.

Mattias "nice aim."

Elaine "Did you just beat a werewolf to death?"

Mattias "No, arrow finished it off."

With a few werewolf pelts under their belts, the Nord and Elf set off to Winterhold to sell their wolf pelts, while they walk Elaine started talking

Elaine "you mentioned before how you were a stormcloak, but with the imperials now having relative full hold of Skyrim, are you not fighting against them."

Mattias "No, True I was a stormcloak, because I believed in the cause, didn't want to be told my god shouldn't be worshipped. Where were you?"

Elaine "the war was not mine, so I didn't. What of your friend, Talon?"

Mattias "Ha, scary lizard that one, met him when he escaped helgen, and arrived in the city, I went down to the docks everyday, and tried along with free-winter to change Ulfric's stance on non-Nords, never did. So I helped him sneak out and he joined the Legion, eventually becoming the one to kill Ulfric."

Elaine "sounds like quite the warrior."

Mattias "he is, knows some magic too, though he prefers a blade."

Elaine "what's his stance on bows."

Mattias "He owns one made by a god, so I'd say he has at least one."

Elaine "really?"

Mattias "yes, everything he collects is in his home of hendraheim."

Elaine "A collector then? Interesting. What about you?"

Mattias "I just live in his old home, proudspire manor in solitude. Gave it to me once he got hendraheim."

Elaine "you'll have to show me sometime, I've heard solitude is beautiful."

Mattias "It has its moments, what about you, you were saying something about Valenwood."

Elaine "if you liked falkreath, you'd think valenwood was sovngarde."

Mattias "the Nord  afterlife, how do you know of it?"

Elaine "how most learn, searching for knowledge, mostly those ruins."

Mattias "the undead don't bother you?"

Elaine "they bother you?"

Mattias "Nope, just ugly and sometimes I have to pick up my bow from the ground."

Elaine "what's your backup."

Mattias "A sword gifted to me by talon, I believe he called it "the backup."

Elaine "he's not very clever is he?"

Mattias "In truth it was my name for it, never was one for naming things."

Elaine "named my bow after my best friend, Arlas.

Mattias "what's he like?"

Elaine "a kind if....explosive bosmer, Destruction mage.

Mattias "is he here?"

Elaine "last I heard he was in Valenwood."

Mattias "since we're heading to winterhold, we should see if he's at the college."

Elaine "that sounds like a plan."

Mattias "settled then."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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