A clash of light and dark

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A few hours into Talon's journey, he comes across a bloodstain on the ground, on the same path as the footsteps, even going further. Where they ended however, was what he intended to find out.

Talon "where are you."

Eventually talon came across a corpse on the road, laying down in a pool of its own blood, still breathing...barley.

Talon gets off of Arvak and slowly turns the victim around, pouring the healing properties of a healing potion down their throat.


Talon "You are welcome, who did this to you?"

"A milk drinking CAT. Black as night, only could see its eyes."

Talon "where did he go?"

The Breton pointed in the direction of the road.

Talon "thank you."

He picks up the Breton and tosses him onto arvak.

Talon "can you ride?"

"Yes, I can manage."

Talon "head to the nearest town. Arvak will know what to do once your done. Safe travels."

And with that, Talon headed off in the direction he had pointed, after running for what felt like hours, he comes upon a burning house, he runs to the door, yelling if anyone is inside, he kicks open the door and finds a blade swinging towards him, he quickly unsheathed his dawnbreaker sword and deflects the glowing red blade.

"I see your better then most this one has killed."

A pitch black Khajiit, illuminated by the flames, stands before the green Argonian, holding a glowing red blade."

Talon "I'll be the last one you face"

Fazir "Fazir Doubts that."

Fazir bares his fangs and runs towards talon, clashing blades with the war hero Argonian.

Talon "you are a monster."

Fazir "monster? Fazir calls it strength."

The undead cats flurry of strikes continue to clash with Talon's blade of light, a dance of golden and red energy  around the two swordsmen...er sword animals?

As their swords pierce flesh, Fazir feels the burn of Meridias light while Talon almost feels as if he is being drained of his energy.

Talon "what.. what is happening to me."

Fazir "the blade is feeding off of you, and as a result, Fazir grows stronger."

Talon rushes Fazir and lifts his blade once more and the pair clash swords again, only this time he gets a deep slice in, causing the wound to glow with burns as Fazir grunts in pain.

Fazir "Fazir is impressed, you actually hit me, even while weaker."

Talon "I'm not so fragile."

Fazir "no, but you are going to die."

Talon "try it."

Fazir simply extends his hand and starts to drain Talon, who fights like hell the longer he is drained, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Talon "I will not be one with the hist yet!"

Talon knocks the blade upwards shoves his blade into razors chest, who starts laughing.

Fazir "haha, good one."

And the cat falls, seemingly dying from his wounds as Talon sheathes his sword, taking the ebony blade from Fazir's hands.

Talon "i should slay you now."

Suddenly Fazirs eyes shoot open and he gets up, wounded but alive, or as alive as a vampire can be. He growls and goes berserk, baring his claws and attempts to bite and scratch Talon, attacking fiercely, like a wild beast, Talon uses his sword to slash when he gets openings, however eventually he can only block as Fazir attacks so quickly he can barely get an opening, so he does something...different so to speak.

He sheathes his blade and dodges under the claw and pushes the angry cat back, giving him space, howling and growling, the Argonian transforms into a child of Hircine, a werewolf. A guttural roar erupts from his throat as the pair clash with claws, eventually ending in a stalemate, with both of the combatants so wounded they no longer have energy to keep going.

Talon transforms back to his original state.

Fazir "I will be back for my blade, Talon."

Talon "I'll be waiting."

And with that, Fazir transforms into mist, disappearing into the night.

Talon holds the ebony blade, only to sheathe it.

He starts the walk back to his nearest home, the ebony blade speaking to him, only to collapse on the way.

Talon "hist, help me."

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