take a right

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who in their right mind would trash miyagi do? apparently someone did. i was currently standing in between aisha and tory as we were doing burpees. sweat was dripping down my face as the whole dojo was being punished for doing something stupid. the sound of heavy panting filled the room, and my legs felt like they were going to give out any minute.
"this all could be over in an instant. the decision your's! who trashed miyagi do? y'all know im no fan of the larusso's, but that sort of bullshit we dont teach in here. at least not anymore. so, im gonna ask you again. who trashed migayi do?" sensei lawrence yelled. no one was speaking up. if someone wasn't going to soon, i would probably faint. the feeling of tory's hand lightly brushing over mine every once in a while was the only thing keeping me going at this point.
"it was not me, sensei. i would never disrespect another man's dojo--"
"shut your cakehole, chubs! im not looking for excuses, im looking for answers!" sensei lawrence yelled again.
"sensei, we really dont know who did it." miguel finally spoke up, desperation in his voice. i was slowing down, it took me longer to stand up from the push-ups and my arms were getting weaker by the second.
"somebody knows something. question is... who's gonna break?" sensei kreese spoke, looking over everyone.
"keep going. we can do this all day!" sensei lawrence yelled before going into his office. i noticed hawk had a black eye... did he do something to miyagi do? i wasn't really close with the boy, he seemed like a total asshole but i had to stay on good terms with him if i was in the dojo.
"sensei, we need a water break." mitch spoke up.
"two minute break!" sensei kreese shouted. i could have collapsed right there, but i needed water. i walked to my duffel bag and pulled out my water bottle before sitting on the ground. i took a long drink before realizing aisha was sitting beside me.
"who do you think did it?" i asked looking at her, while wiping the excess water away from my lips with the back of my hand.
"i don't know, but i don't think i can keep going much longer." she said.
"you and me both." i stated before shifting my gaze to hawk, who was standing in front of sensei kreese. there was something going on with them.

sensei kreese switched us into the backroom with all the gym equipment. i was on the bench press, while i could see aisha, tory, and miguel on the battle ropes. benching didn't seem that hard, right? wrong. my arms were definitely going to give out soon. i was only lifting 40 pounds but it felt heavier every time i lifted.
i was too tired to even notice that mitch and tory started to argue. i put my bar up and walked over to them to help break it up.
"stop!" sensei kreese shouted and everyone froze. "would you really like to know who did it?" he asked, as he stood in front of us. "it was hawk." he said, and everyone turned to look at him, including me. my hands started to clench into fists before sensei kreese continued, "and it was diaz. and robinson. and it was nichols, chubs, huxley, red." everyone looked at each other confused. "when one of you makes a move, you all make a movie. you live and you die with the consequences and the spoils. because you are all cobra kai. main dojo, five minutes. your about to begin your real training." he said before walking out.

sensei kreese had us all around the mat on our knees while he picked people to fight against each other.
"combat! aits!" he yelled. tory and mitch were in the middle. i wasn't sure what was going to happen. they started sparring against each other before tory landed a front kick on the boy and he went down.
"hit him again." sensei kreese told her. tory gave him a questioning look before looking down at the boy. "do you have a problem with that?" he asked. "a fight isn't over until your enemy is finished. you show your enemy no mercy." he said, looking between the two in front of him. tory nodded but mitch was still recovering from the kick on the ground. tory threw herself at the boy before miguel stopped them.
"wait. this isn't what sensei lawrence has been teaching us." miguel spoke confidently.
"excuse me?"
"there's no honor in being merciless. tory scored a point. it's over." he said. i was scared for him. sensei kreese was unpredictable and i had no idea what other tricks he had up his sleeve. there was no way in hell i would stick up for myself or someone else in front of him.
"sensei lawrence is right, of course. in a tournament, the fighting stops when you land a point. but in the real world, it's not about scoring points." kreese spoke, walking over to miguel. my mind was racing. kreese was going to kick his ass. "it's about being a winner or a loser. and there are no losers in this dojo." miguel kept his posture as kreese got right in his face. tory was staring at the two of them as well. honestly... i was jealous. i wanted her to look at me. she had no idea how much of an affect she had on me.

after practice, i was drenched in sweat. i gathered my things and threw them in the backseat of my car.
"damn. didn't like practice today?" a familiar voice asked.
"not really. i feel like im gonna vomit and my legs feel like they are going to collapse." i say as i turn around and smile at tory, laughing lightly.
"well, i think you did really well." she said as i slammed my car door shut. "would you wanna hang out sometime?" the blonde asked.
"name a time and a place, i'll be there." i said as i winked at her before hopping into the drivers seat of my car. i waved at her before driving off.

THAT'S MY GIRL - COBRA KAI/TORY NICHOLS Where stories live. Discover now