glory of love

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"you know, if you ever need a place to stay... my parents would be more than happy with you staying with us." aisha says as we walked into the dojo.
"i dont know. i feel like your parents don't like me very much." i said, kicking off my shoes and dropping my duffel bag.
"are you kidding? they love you!" aisha exclaims whilst she did the same. i lightly chuckle at the comment as my eyes scan over everyone in the room. tory and miguel were stretching together in the middle of the mat. honestly this whole crush thing was getting out of hand. i so badly wanted to just confess right then and there but i guess as long as she was happy, so was i.
"anyways i think you should come over friday night. im getting together with sam and moon. it would be good for you and sam to smooth things out." aisha suggested as we hopped on the mat and began to stretch.
"i mean, i guess..." i shrugged my shoulders, if it got me out of my house, im down. before we could chat anymore, sensei lawrence came out from his office.
"everybody, fall in." he said, not much force behind his voice. i took a spot by aisha in the front row.
"today, we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a cobra kai could ever know." sensei said, looking at all of us.
"where's sensei kreese?" hawk interrupted.
"yeah, shouldn't we wait for the sensei emeritus before we get going?" stringray continued as johnny gave him an angry stare. "or not..." the younger man mumbled.
"mr. kreese will no longer be joining us. i made a promise when i became your sensei. to always look out for your best interests. despite how hard this may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interests at heart. john kreese may have founded cobra kai, but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. his cobra kai was old and outdated. he refused to move forward. what happens when we do that, mr. diaz?" sensei ranted. something in his voice made me realize that i wasn't the only one that was glad kreese was gone...
"you get stuck like cement." miguel concluded.
"exactly. to be a great fighter, you gotta learn to adapt. this creed on the wall... follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong. it'll make you formidable. it will also make you an asshole. cause that's just black paint on a white wall. but lifes not black and white. more often than not it's gray. and its in those gray areas where johnny lawrence's cobra kai sometimes shows mercy. doesn't mean you can't be badass. its still a requirement. but you have to learn to think, not just with your gut or your fists... but to really use this." sensei stated as he used his finger to tap his head. "which leads me to todays lesson... headbutting." he said as he easily broke a board with his head.

friday night rolled around and i headed to aisha's house around 3pm. her house was insanely nice. i was always in awe every time i went over. moon's car was already parked in the driveway when i got there. my hands started to become shaky, something that only happens when i was nervous. why was i so nervous all of the sudden? i brushed off the feeling as i entered the house.
"hey storm!" moon exclaimed as i entered aisha's bedroom. she got up from the bed and hugged me. moon was so amazing. her radiant smiled light up the whole room, and her vibe was incredible. honestly its hard to admit... but i've always had tiny feelings for this girl.
"hey moon." i chuckled into her hug, hoping the pink on my cheeks wasn't obvious.
"your just in time, we were about to start a movie." aisha called to me, i looked over moon's shoulder to see netflix projected onto the wall of the large bedroom. maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all.

late that night i must have doze off. i woke up to a random movie playing and... a girl on top of me? oh shit. my eyes widened with panic and my body got very tense as i then realized it was moon. her face was buried into my chest and our legs were tangled together. soft snores left the girls' lips. i looked around the room, aisha and sam were no where to be seen.
"fuck." i lightly cursed. i didn't want to just leave and be rude... but i also didn't plan on stay the night here either. "moon? baby?" i said as i gently traced shapes on her back. shit. did i just call her baby? stupid. stupid. stupid. well, hopefully she didn't hear that.
the girl mumbled something before she brought her hands up to her eyes to rub them.
"storm?" she asked, before turning her head up to look at me.
"shit. did you hear that? fuck im so sorry i didn't mean to say that. i know you and hawk are a thing and i really dont-" i rambled before getting cut off by moon's soft lips. the kiss could only be explained by what felt like fireworks between us. it was incredible. she pulled back and stared into my eyes for a few seconds. i could see love and comfort in them and something else that i couldn't pick out.
"this will be our secret, okay?" she smiled. i nodded as she got off of me and left the room. and there i was. completely confused.

a little plot twist oooo
i love u all so so much!!

300 VIEWS??? thats crazy, thank you so much <3

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