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there's a big party at moon's place. apparently her parents were out of town and it was a 'end of summer, start of school' party. her house was huge. honestly if tory and i weren't going to work out... i might get closer to moon. yeah it's shitty of me and she was the completely opposite of tory... but i kind of liked that in a way. anyways, it was plastered all over instagram stories that everyone in cobra kai was gonna be there, so of course i was gonna go too.
tory, miguel and i have been drinking a little bit at the bar outside but we decide to go inside for a little bit. we walk in and there miyagi do. this night was suppose to fun. not ruined by them.
we walk back outside and tory decides to join in a drinking game, standing on a stool with one leg up.
tory won the first game after two shots and a guy i didn't know fell off. then sam larusso and her puppy dog of a boyfriend , robby, come outside.
"well, look who it is." tory says walking up to them both. "maybe you'd like to play a little game? or are tea parties more your speed, princess?" i look at miguel and you can tell that he doesn't want to get into this mess.
"just give me a cup."
"all right." miguel follows tory with his head down. what the hell? he's still got feelings for sam
tory and larusso stand on the stools as the crowd around us chants.
red hands them both a red solo cup with tequila. tory downs hers and throws her cup down as larusso slightly struggles with hers.
"too much for you to handle?" tory looks her up and down.
after that comment larusso downs hers and throw her cup as well.
red fills up two more solo cups with some unknown alcohol, i wasn't really paying attention anymore. i was worried about tory. i didn't want her to start a fight when she was drunk or do something she will regret.
"how you doing over there larusso?"
"i could do this all night."
"yeah? hey, big red, two shots of vodka."
i could the concern in robby's eyes as he gave the shot to sam. tory has no trouble drinking it while sam slowly drinks it and has a hard time standing, she then takes the rest of the liquor in one go. just as she does, tory falls on the ground hard.
"tory are you okay?" miguel asks as i help her stand up.
"oh my god. are you hurt?" i ask with concern in my own voice.
"im gonna go clean up, leave me alone." she says pushing past the both of us. miguel and i look at each other and both know that we messed up.

miguel and i stick together as night falls, giving tory some space. demetri has almost everyone gathered around in the living room making some announcement so i take this as a chance to slip away to find tory. i walk up the stairs and look in bedroom and find her sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.
"hey are you alright?" i ask and sit next to her.
"yeah im fine. my back is a little scratched up but its nothing serious." i nod and take in the room.
"damn, moon has a really nice house." i say as i stand up.
"yeah, no shit. way better then mine." i hold out my hands so she can take them to stand up. she does and lightly stumbles into me as she is still a little tipsy.
"s-sorry." she mumbles out.
"hey, its fine. we should find miguel and get going soon." i say as i walk over to the giant window that out looks the pool. i spot miguel and sam suspicious standing close together. they had their hands on each other as well.
"what the hell." tory says, her hands where in fists and just then, sam kisses miguel. miguel doesn't push her away either.
"she is going to pay." i hear tory yell as she storms out of them room and down the stair case.
"tory wait!" i say running after her, i put my hand on her shoulder as we are on the main level of the house.
"i'm going home." she says as she keeps walking, not even looking at me.

sorry i haven't updated this for a while :/ i've been really busy!
i love you all, you mean the world to me <3

THAT'S MY GIRL - COBRA KAI/TORY NICHOLS Where stories live. Discover now