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Evalina and Aemond walked into their shared chambers as she thought about everything that had been discussed.
"Did you mean what you said?" she asked.
Aemond shut the door before looking at her.
"Of course.
I was going to tell you after the baby was born but I didn't think this visit would happen" he said as they held each other's arms while looking into each others eyes.
"When you become queen I will stand by your side and will never go back to red keep or dragon stone.
I belong with you my darling" he said.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.
She hissed "Darling?
What's wrong?" he asked as his face filled with worry.
"It's passing now.
It was just a sharp pain.
The maester back home said that it was normal" she said.
"We should travel back home before might fall.
I don't want to stay here for longer than need be" he said.
"Neither do i" she said before crying out.
Suddenly she felt a liquid rush down her legs causing her to freeze.
"Evalina!" said Helaena and her and Alicent came into the room.
"What's happening to her?" Aemond asked.
Alicent knelt down beside Evalina as the most excruciating pain began to fill her.
"She's gone into labour.
Halaena get the maester, quickly" said Alicent.
Helaena ran out of the room.
"Slow breaths.
Hold Aemond's hand" said Alicent.
Evalina laced her fingers with her husbands as she cried out from the pain.
"Not here.
I can't have this child here" said Evalina.
"Darling it's alright.
You need to deliver the child here" said Aemond.
"Get her onto the bed," said Alicent.
Aemond lifted her up and put her on the bed.
She clung to him as her back hit the bed.
"Dont leave me," she said as she clung to him harshly.
She needed him as the pain got her without mercy.
"I'm right here.
I'm not going anywhere darling" he said as Alicent placed a chair next to the bed for him.
He sat down and placed his arm behind her neck.
She laid on his arm as he kissed her head.
She then cried out as the pain got worse.
Minutes later the maester came in with Helaena as rushed to Evalina.
"How long has she been like this?" the maester said.
"Not long.
I don't care how long it takes as long as she comes out of this as healthy as the baby" said Aemond.
"I have things with me that can speed it up.
It will allow it to go a lot quicker.
You know the flowers my lady so it's your decision" the maester said.
"Do what you must" Evalina said before crying out as her body got ready to deliver the baby that had laid within her for so long.
The maester grabbed a vile of a dark-looking liquid.
"Sit her up," said the maester.
Aemond sat her up.
"Once I pour this you must swallow quickly" said the maester.
Evalina nodded.
The maester poured the liquid into Evalina's mouth.
Evalina quickly swallowed before coughing as the liquid burned her throat.
"You are doing so good my darling," said Aemond.
She looked at him "The liquid I gave you should quicker the process.
The pain will be excruciating but I can get the child out" said the maester.
Evalina looked at Aemond.
"I'm right here my love," he said.
She was afraid but she would do this as it was what she was born to do.
If Aemond was there she could do anything.

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