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I was sitting down on the head of the ship looking out at the sea when a News Coo came and dropped a stack of papers on my lap. I glanced down at the stack of papers i grabbed one and looked through it "The Water Prince Portgaz D. Sora 300M" "FireFist Portgaz D. Ace 100M" I said reading off the names of pirates "WAIT WHAT!" i said making sure i read that right as i almost fell into the water. But I caught myself "NO WAY ACE!" I said tears filling my eyes "NO WAY ACE BECOME  PIRATE ACE!!!"  I cried as i fell onto my back I cried for the rest of the day. 

The Next Day

I spent the entire day searching for Ace's wereabouts and he was last seen with SHIROHIGE!? THAT DUMBASS WHAT WAS HE DOING WITH WHITEBEARD probably trying to put up a fight THAT DUMBASS CAUSED A RUCKUS WITH THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD ACE YOU IDIOT YOU'RE SO GODDAMN LUCKY IM A SWORN SON OF WHITBEARD. I immediatley headed to where white beards flagship was last seen and went onboard.

"OI POPS!" I yelled out trying to catch his attention "SORA!" somebody yelled tackling me "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" i yelled trying to push the man off but his grip was really strong 'THATCH GET OFF YOU ASS!" I yelled "YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LOOOONG!" Thatch said "Gurarararararrara! Do my eyes deceive me or is that my bastard son!" White beard said "Oh shut it pops i was gone for only 5 years!" I said "What are you here for brat to join my crew!" WB said "LIKE HELL!" I yelled making him laugh louder "I'm actually here for a pirate his name is "Fire Fist Ace." I said WB expression darkened considerably "Yeah he's here what do you want with him?" Just then a man with a huge Ax came and swung at WB head but WB didn't even flinch or react as I kicked the man into the ground. "Dammit who the hell are you?!" the man said setting himself on fire and trying to punch me.It made my eyes widen in shock Ace was the one who stole dennis's fruit off my ship i was angry i wanted to kill Ace to get the fruit back. "WATER SPEAR!" i said stabbing him through the hand making him fall down and extinguish. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HUH?" Ace yelled "The Water Prince Portgaz D. Sora." I said nonchalantly Ace's eyes widened as he looked at me 

"S-S-sora?" He said "Yeah Ace it's me." Ace tackled me and cried into my chest as i just laid there smiling. "HEY GET OFF OF SORA!" Thatch said going to pull Ace off but i held up my hand to stop him as Ace continues crying on my chest "YOU BASTARD AFTER SABO DIED LUFFY WAS QUESTIONING HIS OWN EXISTENCE LIKE HOW WE DID HE WOKE ME UP ONE NIGHT TO ASK ME IF I COULD THROW HIM IN THE OCEAN DO YOU KNOW HOW PAINFUL IT IS WHEN YOUR OWN LITTLE BROTHER ASKS YOU TO KILL HIM HUH!?" Ace said tearing up even more "Sabo died...?" I said "YEAH HE WAS DROWNED AND KILLED!" Ace yelled out I grabbed ace's body in my arms and let him cry on my shoulder 2 17 year old boys sitting there holding each other crying.

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