Amazon Lily Is Pretty...Pretty Mid Ngl

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I decided to stop being Lazy and update cuz...Idfk really Writers block is a bitch

Narrator P.O.V

Sora's eyes snap open as he looks around and see he's on a beach. He sits up and immediately his head starts pounding. He immediately ditched his jacket leaving him in a button down. He stands up as he looks around the beach and doesn't see anyone. Sora collapses back onto the beach as tears start to uncontrollably flow down his face. He flips himself onto his back as he starts laughing and crying. "Dammit! Dammit all! I couldn't save anyone!" Sora yelled as his crying got heavier "Why! What did I ever do!? I couldn't save anybody.". After a few minutes of self pitying Sora Finds his manhood and stands up. "Where the bloody fuck am i?" He says as he looks around. He might be a pirate but he's still apart of the D clan. After a few minutes of walking he collapses and falls asleep on the beach.

Few Minutes LAter

Sora is awoken by a spear being jabbed in his face. "Up. Male." Some random female dressed in animal skins says. "Guessing this island's inhabitants aren't ones for Warm Welcomes?" Sora ask before glancing down at his body which was naked. "What The!? Where are my clothes!?". In a panic sora rolls over...Into the ocean. Sora's body felt drained immediately as he went limp 'Retard.'  'Shove off'. The Amazonian pulls sora from the water and drops his discarded jacket on hims. "Males, Constantly Invading our Island." The Amazonian says. Sora eyes widen as he realizes where he washed up. Fucking Amazon Lily. Out of all places!? 

Sora P.O.V

Everything Ached in my body my head my torso my legs E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G down to my hair. How tf is my hair hurting? I don't know and I don't care. "Constantly Invading? You mean like repeatedly?" I ask stupidly. "Of course you mean repeatedly duh." I say Putting on my Coat which had boxers in it. Cuz who doesnt carry around boxers?. 

10 minutes later

I was now being marched down a path in handcuffs surrounded by Amazonian's with spears pointed at me. The spears would do no damage and i could slip out of the cuff's just as easy as i could take a breath. I thought it would be fun to entertain this for a little while longer. Eventually We arrived at some castle That I recognized As Boa Hancock's place....PBBFTTT. I feel so immature but that's seriously the name of the  Proclaimed most beautiful women in the world? There was a commotion going on somewhere to my right and my Observation Haki wasn't working the way i designed it to. I designed it to sense friends or foe but on an island full of women who hate men there's a friend somewhere around here. I could hear the women whispering around me saying stuff like 'I Bet he's not like him.' or 'I bet this one isn't as pure as the other.'. This got me thinking Who would go to an all women island and be completely pure and innocent?....Luffy. Luffy was here somewhere! Im not defective! Well i am but still! I decided enough was enough and snapped the handcuffs causing all 8 women to send their spears straight through my body. I Turned my body to water and escaped from the circle. And i was on top of a roof. I made  a wave made out of water and sent it through  the town washing away the women.

I Jumped from roof to roof heading towards the place where Luffy was and i smashed through the wall and nearly impaled myself on a corner end of a table. "Ow ow ow ow ow." i said as i slowly stood up and saw Boa and...Luffy? at a table full of food which Luffy was eating. "By the way you're looking at me guessing i wasn't invited?" I say as boa uses some Love power on me but it doesn't work. "Was that supposed to do something?" I ask and Luffy opens his eyes and after about three seconds im nearly sent back the way i came from as luffy spear tackles me. "When did people stop getting greeted with a simple 'Hey'? " I say.

Can we all confirm that Writers block is a bitch? (It wasn't writers block im just lazy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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