Important Filler

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Sora Pov

I walked out of the building i was in with a little gift basket in hand. "LET MEEE SEEEE" I heard her yell "FUCK OFF!?" I screamed back in case you were wondering it's this girl named Mai Suyakou she's from wano apparently i didn't really care to be completely honest. She kept blabbering about how she was a high ranking Revolutionary Army member. "YOU KNOW I'M A HIGH RANKING RA MEMBER RIGHT?!" She said I sighed dejectedly and shoved her down because she was standing on her tippy toes. "Leave me alone for the love of god!" I yelled in frustration "Just follow me!" She said grabbing my hand and leading me along. "If i do will you stop bothering me?" I said "Of Course!" She said continuing to walk "What are you waiting for then?!" I said running off. "WAIT UP ASSHOLE!" I heard her yell

10 Minutes Later

Me and Mai were in a  random desolate place as i looked around and I noticed multiple people were nearby. Just as i was about to speak multiple people jumped out from behind the rocks. I felt the cold metal of a gun touch the back of my head "You're under arrest Portgaz D. Sora for canoodling with the World Government!" Mai said. I glared at her "You Bitch I knew something was off." I said "I fooled ya didn't i?" Mai said with noticeable excitement in her voice "Are You Sure You Didn't  Sign You And Every Body Here's Death Wish?" I said "W-What Are You Talking About?! I Had You Fooled! You Didn't Suspect Anything! There Is No Way You Planned An Attack  Big Enough To Take Us All Out!" She yelled. I sighed and smiled  "You are right." I said "What?" "You're Right I Didn't plan an attack big enough but with all your Yakking." I smiled

As her face lit up in fear "RUN! RETREAT" Mai Yelled but it was too late I raised my hand and a big ass Water Dragon rose out the sea. 

The RA members stood there terrified as the Dragon bit down on them turning the areas near the dragons mouth blood red. Mai watched as all her comrades were chewed up and spit back out on the ground leaving only her alive. "Send My Regards To Kami-Sama!" I said grabbing her head with water and crushing it as the last words she said was "PLEASE MERCY MERCY PLEA-" I shook the blood off my hand as i walked away. 

On A Far Away Island A Little Bit After The Massacre

"SABO SABO SABO!" Said man looked at his partner "What Is It Koala?" Sabo asked "IT'S MAI AND HER CAPTURE SQUAD!" Sabos face drained as he looked serious at her "What Happened?" Sabo asked "THE WATER PRINCE MASSACRED ALL OF THEM!" His eyes widened in fear and shock "Dammit DAMMIT DAMMIT WHYYYY MAI WHY WOULD YOU YOU DUMB ASS!" Sabo was close to Mai as if they were siblings. Tears started to fall from his face as he gripped the desk "I swear to kami-sama i WILL kill you portgaz D. Sora!" Sabo said as he let his tears fall freely.

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