Hatter..(alice in the borderland)

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Hatter and Aguni stood alone in Hatter's office. Hatter didn't know what was going on other than Aguni wanting to talk to him.

"What do you need Aguni? You wanted to talk to me about something right?" Hatter spoke breaking the thick silence. Aguni nodded as he stepped closer to Hatter. The tension in the room was suffocating..Hatter felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Aguni, my friend, what is it that you need. You know I'm always here to hel-" before he could finish he was pulled close to the taller, broader man. The veins on his arm and neck pulsing. Hatter felt heat spread across his face as those strong arms lowered themselves down to his waist.

"Aguni.." Hatter spoke, knowing what his friend wanted. He trailed his hands to Agunis head, resting them on his cheeks. As they both leaned in sealing each other in a deep kiss. Aguni couldn't control himself as he reached and squeezed Hatter ass, fondling it with his muscular veins hands. Hatter moaned..he wasn't supposed to be doing this with Aguni..this was his best friend but he couldn't resist the temptation.

"Aguni~" Hatter moaned as he lifted a leg up giving Aguni space to grind his crotch against Hatter. Moans and growns flew around the room as they escalated the movements, kisses turning into sloppy make outs, tongues, bites on the neck.

However outside the door, lied a listener, filled with hatred and jealousy.


He stood outside those bold doors listening to his leader, his potential crush rail someone else who clearly doesn't deserve him.

"Hatter doesn't deserve Aguni..I do.." He scowled. A nasty frown place on his face as the moans of Hatter flew into the outside like floating plastic bags abandoned.

"Ah~ *queltch* Ah!~ *queltch*Aguni!~" moaned Hatter as the stronger man took hold of his hands and thrusted at a fast rate. Rendering the bottom helpless again the fast strokes of pleasure. Hatter was loosing it, he was going to come. Aguni noticed and turned the other around sealing his last thrust with a kiss.

"AGUNI!~" He screamed in pure pleasure, his high washing over him like a wave. They collapsed onto the couch, bodies interlocked, but hungry for another taste of each other as Hatter climbed on the other ready to feel his thick rod climax inside him again.

The end

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