The orders territory

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Statistics:Number of islands: 12Number of lakes: 3Human population: 10/10Human influence: 10/10Human aggression: 10/10Monster population: 1/10Monster influence: 0/10Monster aggression 1/10

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Number of islands: 12
Number of lakes: 3
Human population: 10/10
Human influence: 10/10
Human aggression: 10/10
Monster population: 1/10
Monster influence: 0/10
Monster aggression 1/10

Particularly common monster species: all pure divinities

This location is known throughout all the land. A stronghold of hope and faith and a testament to the strength and endurance of the human race, this land is comprised of three main land masses, seven cities and four bridges.
Any borders with the mainland are protected by an impenetrable stone wall which no monster dares to cross and all water in our canal is holy enough to burn any monster who tries to enter through the sea. No unsubjugated monsters exist within this territory and any who somehow manage to enter are immediately killed on sight.

The seven cities are as follows:
Vilon: our military capital
Raquia: our mining and timber city
Maon: our farming city
Makon: our worldwide shipping and trading port
Zebul: our largest city in terms of population
Araboth: our aristocratic city, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, magic and technology
Shehaquim: a POW camp, where our enemies are studied and interogated

We also have a capital island, said to be the most pure location on earth. It is highly religious and positioned directly below heaven itself. This is where the pope resides and angels regularly descend to walk among us humans.

Source 1.1
By: my historian friend, in araboth
There exists an ancient wall around our capital city Asgard. A wall so ancient that it is said to have originally been built by the very first humans created by the chief god thousands of years ago. It is said that during the ages of the former demon lords. When a new demon lord comes to power, the monsters will gradually expand their territory over the course of a few centuries, slowly killing off more and more humans and taking more and more land with the hopes of wiping out our race entirely. However in our darkest moments throughout history, when the monsters have reached this final line of our defence, the chief god comes to our aid in their most powerful form ever. banishing the monsters back and giving us humans the power to overcome our darkest times. Thus turning the tables and allowing us to reclaim the land in the chief gods name and slay the current demon lord. As a result, no monster has ever set foot in Asgard throughout all known history.
Any damage done to the wall by monsters is preserved for future generations to see. If you were to look at the wall today, you can still see the massive claw marks created by the most powerful of beasts from many ages ago. A harsh reminder of how they have previously brought humanity to its knees and how they will always be our arch enemies for the rest of time.
Throughout all of these ages, humanity has been slowly progressing, no more do we use spears in favour of using swords. And some day we hope to use our advancing magic, knowledge and technology to finally put an end to this vicious cycle and finally recreate the world without any evil, just as our chief god desires.

Source 1.2
By: a young boy from the city of Zebul
When i grow up, i want to be a knight just like my older brother. My teacher at school says that monsters are evil and should all be defeated.
Whenever the knights capture a monster for shehaqim. They parade it down the main road making stops from vilon to makon to zebul to shehaqim. Ive seen a monster once. She was a disgusting slime in a glass cage. She rubbed herself against the glass and looked at me. It made me feel a weird feeling inside. The knights used her capture as an inspiring demonstration of how great and powerful they were. They said that they were going to get rid of all scary monsters and that i can help them when i am big and strong enough. My friend said that he didnt want to be recruited as a knight when he grew up and instead he wanted to work with the monsters at shehaquim. I dont like shehaquim because it is scary. My mommy says they put it very far away from everyone else so that no scary monsters can break out and get us. I hope that when i become a knight i can get rid of all of the monsters so that my baby brother and sister can be safe. I also want to say hi to my older brother who stays in vilon.

Source 1.3
By: a researcher in shehaqim.
We have recently captured a very unusual and dangerous prisoner of war. She was originally sighted at the fishing village of Adiri and was claiming to be a lilim (direct descendant of the demon lord itself) Upon confrontation with our noble and capable knights, she immediately surrendered and put up no fight. Due to her exceedingly demonic nature, it was unsafe to transport her via normal means, so with the hopes of minimising human contact and demonic energy corrosion she was transported across the osadean sea, directly to shehaqim, where she remains in maximum security.
Despite her current circumstances, Her disposition is unnervingly confident and calm. She has proved cooperative thus far. Giving up all sorts of important information about our enemy. I find it unusual how she is putting up so little resistance, and feel paranoid that she may have a hidden alterior motive. Even our most skilled psychologists have struggled to analyse her behaviour and their working theory is that she has intentionally arrived in order to preach the monsters sinful way of life through the information she gives.
Due to the high threat level she poses, incredibly strict containment procedures have been imposed.
She is forbidden to speak due to the corrupting nature of her voice and must communicate via writing in a monotone font and style. She is also required to wear gloves because of how she spreads demonic energy onto any surfaces she makes contact with.
Her cell is also airtight and without any windows to view her through, because it is said that even making mere eye contact with her is enough to make a person go mad with lust.
Due to her seemingly royal nature, she often has many demands to furnish her cell to be more comfortable and homely. Many of her demands are met both out of fear and as a reward for her cooperation.
She has no dietary requirements except for large quantities of spirit energy. We originally attempted to feed her with saliva however she refused it on account of its low spirit energy concentration. We then attempted to feed her with the semen of a captured incubus however she absolutely despised it, claiming that his spirit energy belonged to another monster. It seemed as though the only thing we could feed her was the semen of an unmarried man. Me and all of my colleagues were terrified at the thought of donating our sperm, so we heve requested that a death row inmate be sent to us to permanently supply her with spirit energy.
Her only real dislikes seem to be hearing other monsters getting tortured, experimented on and killed, so we have made sure not to conduct such practices too close to her chamber.

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