Chapter 13: Man...

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Y/n pov

I was helping issei well somewhat

I was done shooting down some birds and now there were a lot of feathers around on the ground

And there were really really lot of feathers scattered around...

Y/n: " Man... Cleaning this up gonna be a nightmare... Wonder if they carry disease hmm? If they do gonna need to dispose this... "

I heard footsteps and look to my side seeing Okita wiping blood from her Katana

Okita: " Seem like it... "

Y/n: " But damm there's a lot of Birds tonight sadly none of them can be cooked as a meal "

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Y/n: " But damm there's a lot of Birds tonight sadly none of them can be cooked as a meal "

Y/n: Trace On

I create a Broom and gave it to Okita

Y/n: " Here can you clean the feather for me? "

Okita throw the broom at me

Y/n: " Hey! "

Okita: " I ain't Cleaning up your mess! "

Y/n: " Hey! You can't speak like that to your lord! "

Okita: " I am not your servant anymore! You're not my lord either! "

Y/n: " What!? I thought we had a connection!? "

Okita: " We do have a connection but not a Lord and servant connection! You idiot! "

Y/n: " Hey! I may be an idiot but I can bite! And not just all bark! "

Okita: " That does not make any sense! "

Miyamoto: " Ahahaha! You guys are still rowdy as usual huh? "

Miyamoto: " Ahahaha! You guys are still rowdy as usual huh? "

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Y/n: " Sensei! You back from work? "

Miyamoto: " Yeah and I'm quitting my job "

Okita: " Ah... So you actually did it "

Miyamoto: " Yeah I don't like that office work! Too much depressing adult and no spirit at all! "

Y/n: " I mean... Office work is like that "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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