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First Name: Y/n

Last name: Nobunaga Emiya Von Eizbern

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Eye color: Heterochromia
right Red 
left Blue

Eye color: Heterochromiaright Red  left Blue

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Hair color: Black

Looks and Clothes : but change the color of our left eye

Personality: Kind, a bit prideful, carring, stubborn, Childish

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Personality: Kind, a bit prideful, carring, stubborn, Childish

To enemy or someone we don't like: a bit Cocky, Sadistic a bit, and cold

Nickname or title: The next demon king of six heaven, Satan, Pretty boy, cook God, Mommy, and Y/n-sama

Likes: His family, spending time with Okita , music, syrup, fighting(sometime) , cooking, sweets, playing guitar, training, his servants, and his harem(In the future)

Dislike: pervert that harm other or has crossed the line, getting scolded by Okita, Okita got hurt, his friend or family got hurts, thot, arrogant people, stuck up people, power hungry people, and people who waste food


Father: Emiya Shirou

Father: Emiya Shirou

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The son of Faker and Demon King In HighschoolDxD Where stories live. Discover now