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Call it a Backwater, useless, dead, or washed up, but Meridian remained every bit alive as before. After so long from the war, the UNSC was without aid, and unable to give it anymore. Backwaters stayed how they were and war refugees ended up poor. Such as the Old Woman in the city. She was said to have known Master Chief himself, heard stories that nobody had heard.

The old woman said many things in her life, claiming to be an ODST veteran. But never did anyone look into it. She was always the town crazy lady, living along in her little house.

One day, 3 children knocked on her door. Young kids, mostly boys but one girl, all asking who the Master Chief was. She smiled, and stepped onto her front porch, sitting down with them.

"The Master chief.... He was a legend. And while every legend has truth to it.... So many legends also lie. And his is not exempt. He was an exemplary soldier, and a good man, but I was always closer to his partner. And his adventures."

"Partner?" The kids looked at her, confused. "He was always alone, wasn't he?"

She laughed a little "no.... That's what they tell you. In reality children, not all of his adventures happened to him, and almost none of them were his alone. He always had a partner. And while he was every bit the man the legends say, they pretend his partner didn't exist because they don't want you to know what happened to him. I knew Floyd. He was a good man. Just... A little too smart for his own good."

"What do you mean? Who was Floyd?"

The old lady smiled ".... Do you kids want to hear the real story?"

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