Part 7 - Assault on the Control Room part 2

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The snow and tundra landscapes of our world atypically bear the feeling of calmness unless during a blizzard. But with driving like Floyd's, it was anything but.

Floyd tore through area after area, not necessarily rushing but more so just moving fast. Master Chief stood on the gun as they went through the tunnels, eventually coming to another canyon. A small one, but a canyon nonetheless. Inside this canyon was an abundance of covenant forces. The duo stopped on a ridge above them, looking into the canyon as they observed. Chief spoke first, or more accurately, Cortana did. "The Covenant patrol is getting more powerful this way, we are on the right track. My scans find a large tunnel in the bottom of the canyon, which leads to a big structure. We may want to get moving, the Covenant Battlenet says they are nearing a large structure and the word "Holy" keeps getting mentioned."

Floyd looked at the force. A hunter pair, an elite Zealot, and some standard elite and grunt infantry. For a Zealot to be here, that means something isn't going their way. Or, really is. The two Spartans began walking back towards their Hog before Chief took a shot to his back, immediately getting behind the hog.

In their rush to find the Control room they hadn't noticed 2 mounted turrets on a ridge across from theirs. Both drawing their pistols, they fired back at the turrets. After a minute or so of dodging fire and getting the occasional shot off, Chief managed to headshot the grunt in one and it opened up the chance for Floyd to take the other, seconds later. The two got back in the hog and started moving immediately, barely able to Dodge the Hunter shot that flew behind them as they went along. Floyd jumped off the cliff towards one of the hunters, trying to crush it. He knew both he and Chief would be fine if it worked or not. However to his surprise, it didn't. The hunter Smartened up and rather than shooting them, it raised it's arm and caught them, throwing the hog into the canyon face.

Floyd woke up a few seconds later, to see chief still in combat with them. After what looked like a struggle, he finally managed to put the first one down and began moving toward the second. Floyd forced himself to his feet, grabbing his rifle from the ground and using the chance to shoot the other hunter in the back. It turned to face Floyd, and accidentally gave chief just enough time to jump on its back and wrestle with it. After a little while of wrestling he managed to pull it down onto the shield of it's other half, stabbing itself in the exposed neck and killing the worms inside. The two Spartans checked their gear and equipment, verifying that no, nothing had broken or been lost except the hog, which was now in flames.

The two pushed on, finding a large pyramid structure which both assumed was the control room. Cortana made the same assumption, scanning it and announcing to them "Both of you, up, quickly! They are at the door!"

The Spartans wasted no time, running up the ramps. They killed everything they could in front of them but they didn't actually stop or slow for anything, ignoring anything that didn't die before they passed. Once reaching the top, they used a good 3 or 4 grenades and cleared everything in front for them, making their way inside.

As the two walked in, they found the control room. Finally. Floyd took a position at the door to hold it, while chief approached the terminal. The Spartan II looked around the room from his place at the door. It was beautifully constructed for something that was apparently so old. Absolutely perfect preservation. But as he looked back at Chief, he could see it almost looked like he and Cortana were... Arguing...? As he stepped closer to listen, she yelled out at the two "Go! Find the Captain! Stop him! We don't have much time!"

Both Spartans sprinted out the door and called for Evac. Floyd knew leaving him alone was a bad idea and especially when he was in hostile territory. But even more fear went through him when they said they re-deployed Marines, including Johnson's team, to help him.

Little did he know the Squad was not even remotely the extent of what was at stake.

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