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Do you ever get that feeling where you know by your entire heart that something is wrong and you feel this overwhelming rush of emotions like you've just passed through an stressful situation but when you look closely, there were no stressful situation and it was just your emotions being everywhere and you just wanna burn everything to the ground. Yep thats what I'm feeling.

The thing about an uneventful life is that to others your life may seem so eventful and uplifting but for you, its always missing something. Its always missing that special touch, that magical moment. Everyone says life is a race that you need to win, life can be wonderful but i say its all bullshit whats life if it isn't something people do like a job because other people force them to and have these unrealistic expectations over your head. Well thats life, an hell with problems and unimaginable consequences.
Parents want the best for their children as does mine but do i care? NOPE, well i do care just a little, i mean i do wanna live and everything don't get me wrong but i can't help but think ' what if the world was different ', ' what if we could make our own worlds' and that my friend's is where the whole universe comes in.
Well basically i created a whole universe with each having different maps,places,people and stories, oh i love stories. Why can't we just reset the world like how we want it, why can't we change it?. In my universe everything is in my control and i am totally free and No more trouble, except for the times when my parents catch me staring at nothing and daydreaming.

Now sitting in my maths class and staring at the teachers face as she explains something, I'm thinking........ which universe should i create next?

I guess i forgot to think that all actions comes with its own consequences, looking at the green light shinning from my dream book yep I'm starting to see those consequences and it is not looking good.


Which universe would you like to explore first?

Do comment and share your thoughts and emotions, I'm all ears.

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