Chapter 1: Come Back Home

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 It was early morning, Suhasini and Suvarna were taking a walk in the gardens of Goenka villa picking flowers for pooja while chit-chatting and making small talk, from afar they seemed happy and content but in reality, they hadn't been happy since the last time they saw their Akshu who was the life of their house she was the only one who could make them smile in any situation as if she carried happy pills with her to make everyone feel lighter and happier in her presence. 'she is like Naira in many aspects but very soft spoken and always thinks about others before her self.' thought Suhasini with a teary smile.

Suhasini and Suvarna always got emotional when they thought about Akshu. not just them but everyone got emotional and sad when they thought about her. Suhasini was just counting the days waiting for her precious great granddaughter to return home, if it was up to the family they would've never let Akshu go so far away from home but Aarohi had made her life a living hell after Sirat's death but when Aaru's mental abuse turned physical and Akshu had to be hospitalized then Manish had to put a stop to Aaru's tantrums.

Suvarna still remembered that incident clearly when everyone in the family collectively decided to send Aaru away to a mental rehabilitation center for a few weeks to get psychiatric help for her volatile behavior but Akshu's love for her sister proved to be far greater than Aaru's never-ending hate for Akshu.

That day Akshu decided that she would be the one to go away because she couldn't bare the thought of Aaru being lonely away from the family and to this day Akshu hasn't visited them even once. yeah, they talked on the phone daily and did video call sessions weekly, sometimes the Goenkas would visit her place for a meetup.

And even after all these years and psychiatric help Aaru's hate towards Akshu only grew worse she blamed Akshu for the crime she never committed, on the other hand, Akshu always waited to receive any indication that Aaru had forgiven her even a little bit.

'But now the time has come, Akshu has become a music therapist and it's time that she comes back home where she belongs' thought Suvarna feeling content for once with this thought.

"Maaji it's been years I can't bare seeing Akshu in pain and alone anymore... I want to bring Akshu home in any way possible I miss my child so much, you know what Maaji, I haven't seen anyone smile with real happiness since Akshu left us,"  said Suvarna while sitting on the porch and preparing thali for pooja.

Suhasini was listening quietly with  a solemn face and  whispered "I know Suvarna we all miss her but you know very well that Akshu won't come until and unless Aaru forgives her and we already know Aaru throws a tantrum whenever we mention Akshu."

Suvarna sighed "But Maaji we cannot always bend to Aaru's demands she is a full grown adult now she has to understand that we can't fulfill her every demand especially when it's so childish."

"you are so right Suvarna, my eyes are also very desprate to see my Akshu..." Suhasini started crying.

Suvarna side hugged Suhasini "Maaji i can only  think of one way  to make Akshu come home" said Suvarna.

Suhasini looked at Suvarna with hope and exitement "How? Tell me  how can we make our Akshu come home?" Suhasini somewhat shouted. "Shhh Maaji someone might overhear." whispered Suvarna with a smile.

Suhasini asked "so tell me?" her eyes shining with happiness.

Suvarna's smile dropped as she said "Maaji what i'm about to say might sound awfull at first but before reacting on it just know that its the only way that will bring Akshu back  to us and in Goenka villa..."

"just spit it out." Suhasini said impatientally.

"i think we should tell Akshu that Aaru has forgiven her and that she should come home-" Suhasini started to cut her off but Suvarna continued "- I know its a lie and it will hurt her when she gets to know the truth but once she returns we will give her so much  love that it will soothe  all her wounds."

Suhasini thinks it through and she knows it's not right to raise Akshu's hope to amend her relationship with Aaru, but a great grandmother's desperation to see her great granddaughter wins over every logic.

Suhasini sighs "I will call Akshu today and execute this plan, just pray to kanha ji that it works."

Suvarna looked at her face surprised, she didn't think that Suhasini will agree with this tactic.

"Maaji... are you really ready to execute this plan?-" said an amazed Suvarna.

An embressed Suhasini sharply cut in "Don't look at me with that expression I'm old, I don't know how many days of my life is left... I want to live them with my Akshu loving and caring for her." listening to this Suvarna got teary eyed.

Suvarna hugged Suhasini "don't say stuff like that Maaji, you'll live a very  long life and you'll have a lot of time with our Akshu" Suvarna smiled and looked at the time and said "it's getting late let's complete the pooja and then work on the plan."

They both went to do the pooja praying that their plan works.


after the pooja both of them went to Suhasini's room and began executing with their plan.

Suhasini exitedly dialed Akshu's number and smiled when she picked up the call after three rings "Hello Akshu Beta, how are you?"

Suhasini could could sense Akshu's smile " Namaste Mimi, I'm good. how are you and how is  everyone at home..."

Suhasini almost teared upwhen she heard the longing in Akshu's voice. "Everyone is  as good as they could be without their pill of happiness... where are you Akshu? there is so much background noise...". Akshu answered with a smile "i'm volenteering at an NGO for autistic kids. Mimi  i cannot tell you how happy  i'm right now, these kids are so sweet and innocent!".

Suhasini sighed happily and gave Suvarna a thumbs up indicating that she was getting on with the plan "listen Akshu, you should start packing your stuff. its about time you should come home, my Child." Suhasini heard Akshu's sigh "Mimi you know i can't come home, right... i don't want to upset Aaru. I hate it when she gets upset because of me, especially now that her MBBS result is about to come. i want her to be happy on her special day."

Suhasini and Suvarna almost broke down in tears when they heard her words, Suhasini controled her emotions and spoke in a falseHappy voice. "But Akshu it was Aarohi's idea in thefirst place, that you should come back home. now that youre a professional music therapist you can pratice your profession here in Udaipur...".

They could hear Akshu's breath hitch and instantly felt guilty  " REALLY MIMII!! AARU SAID THAT? SHE FORGAVE ME!!" they felt bad about lying, but this was their only chance to bring Akshu back home so, Suhasini  went ahead and  said emotionally "Yes Akshu, now don't waste any time and come straight home my precious child!" 

"yes Mimi i'll be home on monday and surprise Aaru on her result day! Mimi i can't tell you  how happy i am, my Aaru finally forgave  me!! i still can't believe it" Akshu said exitedly. 

"yes my child, now just come back your Mimi and the whole  family is waiting for you beta, i-it's been such a l-long time." Suhasini  said tearfully looking with a guiltridden expression towards Suvarna who also wore the same expression.


So this was the first chapter i have changed the plot a little for my creativity to breathe. please don't forget to give me feedback (respectfully).


chapter 2 might be published by next wednesday (or maybe before wednesday)

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