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WHEN NAZYRA SAID she despised wearing dresses, she meant it

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WHEN NAZYRA SAID she despised wearing dresses, she meant it. But apparently being a maid meant you were required to wear one. That was a big downside for her newfound job. Thankfully, her father wasn't too annoyed that she'd lost her job, but that was only because she'd told him she'd been offered a position as a maid at the palace - which she hadn't at the time. She was just banking on being hired the next morning. And fortunately she was.

But that also meant that she didn't see Aemond last night. He'd said that he would visit, and Nazyra was sure that he did, but of course, she wasn't at the stables or at her own little house. She wondered if Aemond had just left it and returned back to the castle, or if he'd searched for her. Most likely not, she thought.

The castle of King's Landing was like a maze. Nazyra didn't know how the maids navigated their way around so quickly without a map, let alone one as young as Dyana. And Nazyra hadn't even seen the whole thing yet.

The stairs were like a fitness test. Holding heavy baskets of clothes and bedding all while in a dress that was constantly grabbing at her feet. She was convinced that the stairs were going to be the death of her. Surely she wouldn't be the first one that tripped over her skirt and tumbled onto the hard concrete floor though.

She'd already been shown the maids sleeping quarters. Most of the younger and new maids shared quarters. It was one long, cold room with countless beds lined up alongside each other. They were nice, she thought. Nicer than her bed at home. But nothing compared to the rooms the royals got, and even the ladies in waiting. Nazyra wasn't one to complain.

Though, she found herself wondering where Aemond's bed chambers were. He must have a nice room. A nice bed. She was going to be shown where it was at some stage, along with the rest of his families bed chambers. Hell, she was probably going to have to change his bed sheets at some point.


Aemond had searched for Nazyra all night long. When he didn't find her at the stables, at her own house, or around the streets of King's Landing, his mind had automatically went to the worst case scenario. What if she'd been hurt by Tarron, the stableman? He seemed very pissed off earlier. What if she'd been attacked on her way home? A young, beautiful girl all alone at night in the streets of King's Landing such as herself was like leaving a lone chicken in a field full of starved wolves. More so to the point, Aemond was worried.

And to top it off, the arrival of Vaemond meant he had important duties as Prince to attend to instead of being out looking for her. Aemond knew he was being stupid. She's fine, he thought. He was just overthinking. But he couldn't help himself. He had no idea why she held such a vast majority of his thoughts. And he knew he wouldn't be satisfied until he'd seen that she was well.

That's all that was running through his mind as he stood behind his siblings in the throne room, listening to Lord Vaemond bicker his case of inheriting Driftmark with the King. He was walking on thin ice. No, not walking - stomping. Leaping. Rhaenys has already established that she, and Lord Corlys, wished for Lucerys Velaryon to inherit Driftmark, following his and his brothers betrothal to the Velaryon twin girls, Baela and Rhaena.

"That is no true Velaryon!" Vaemond yelled, pointing at Lucerys. "And certainly no nephew of mine."

"You have said enough." Rhaenyra said.

"Lucerys is my true born grandson." Viserys announced. "And you no more than the second son of Driftmark."

Vaemond scowled. "You may run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the doom. And a thousand triggerations besides. And gods be damned," he turned to Lucerys again, " I will not see it ended on the account of this..."

Daemon smirked at him. "Say it." He whispered.

"Her children are bastards!" He roared. "And she is a whore."

Viserys rose from the thrones and unsheathed his dagger. "I... will have your tongue for that." He swore, but merely a second later Vaemond's head was on the floor and Daemond stood behind him with a bloody sword.

Gasps filled the room and Daemon muttered something along the lines of 'he can keep his tongue'. A few of the guards held up their swords, but all the attention was quickly back on the King when he collapsed back down onto the throne. Alicent and the maesters were at his side in an instant and they helped him away to rest. It was all slightly awkward after that happened. Vaemond's body needed to be moved and the two sides of the room were rather tense.

Aemond was smirking to himself. There was nothing like a bit of family drama.


"So, is this all we do? All day every day?" Nazyra asked her newfound friend, Dyana.

"Generally, yes. But you haven't done wine bearing yet." Dyana replied.

"Wine bearing? Who needs wine at this hour?" Nazyra asked.

"You'd be surprised." Dyana responded. "It's mostly at feasts. Queen Alicent has it ordered to her room sometimes, but it's mostly Prince Aegon that does that." She said.

"Oh." Nazyra hummed.

"We'll probably be put on later hours tonight. They tend to do that with younger maids. The older ones tire easily and many others have families to tend to." Dyana explained. "I could point you to each of the royals' bed chambers now if you'd like. To make them easier to find when you have responsibilities there."

"Of course. Thank you, Dyana." Nazyra smiled, happy to have someone as kind as Dyana to really take her under her wing here.

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