Loses and Apprenticeships

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Jammer8020320 made our new cover, give her a round of applause!

Frostkit's P.O.V.

Mom was taking her sweet time grooming me this morning. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to get taken care of, but I'm gonna be an apprentice today! That reminds me, Meadowkit wants to play mossball...

"There, I'm done." Mom meows after a bit.

"You look good, son. Cloudmist, beautiful as ever." Dad purrs from the Nursery entrance.

"Hi, Shadestripe!" Mom calls out.

Taking this wonderful opportunity, I slipped out of the den. Meadowkit is waiting for me in the center of camp.

"Hey, mousebrain. You look um..." She giggles when I get close.

"Yeah, yeah, Mom got ahold of me. What did Nightpool do to you?" I mutter, smoothing my fur back into place.

"Nothing. My mom trusts to actually groom myself properly." Meadowkit meows playfully.

"Hey! I've just got my own style!"

Meadowkit giggles some more, then flicks her tail at my ear.

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath Low Branch for a Clan meeting!" Nightstar calls in summons.

"That's our cue, mousebrain!" Meadowkit meows excitedly, scampering over to the giant oak.

Running after her, we reach our spots just before everyone else. I look up at Nightstar, and wonder how she felt becoming leader. Probably grief, considering she just lost Jaystar to a badger...

"Cinderflame, it's time you had an apprentice. I am giving you Meadowkit. Meadowkit, I name you Meadowpaw!" Nightstar yowls.

After gazing at the crowd gathered, Nightstar decides something.

"Fireblaze, you also deserve an apprentice. I will give you Frostkit. Frostkit, I name you Frostpaw!" She yowls again.

"Meadowpaw, Frostpaw! Meadowpaw, Frostpaw!" The Clan repeats.

As I pad forward to touch noses with Fireblaze, my pelt gets hot. Mostly because Meadowpaw was staring at me... N-not that I have a crush or anything!

Meadowpaw's P.O.V.

I'm an apprentice, I'm an apprentice, I'm an apprentice! Finally!

Cinderflame touches noses with me, then says we're on Sunhigh patrol.

"Cinderflame, Meadowpaw, Aspenfur, Ravenpaw, and Fernshade. Get going." Poolsky calls.

I follow the rest of the patrol through the camp entrance and out into the forest. For a heartbeat I stop to look around me.

"Keep up, little one." Cinderflame meows.

Running forward I catch up to my mentor and follow her until we reach a part of the forest that reeks.

"Where are we? What's that smell?" I ask.

"Lakeclan border. Smells fishy, huh?" Fernshade laughs.


Cinderflame shows me how to mark the border, then let's me try a few. After we refresh our side of the border, it smells a lot better.

"Hey, Meadowpaw, want the nest beside me? Bearpaw and Scorchpaw should have Frostpaw all fixed up." Ravenpaw meows on the way back.

"Sure!" I answer.

When we get back to camp, Frostpaw greets me with a mouse.

"Look what I caught! Fireblaze is a great teacher!" Frostpaw says, excitedly.

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