
Catmint. Enough to feed the Clan. Hope. Breezepelt helping Jayclan?

"Catmint, mousebrain. No, I'm not lying. There's one catch though." The dark pelted tom meows.

"What is it?"

"Foxes, a male, a female, two cubs. The catmint is at the very back of your territory, the border to Frostclan." Jaystar spoke up.


"I'll lead the patrol myself. Thank you, both of you." I reply.

Suddenly I felt the world slipping away, turning grey and cold.

Oh, right, the Moonstone. Onto the Clan.

Mintleaf stood up beside me, shaking her pelt out.

"You have an announcement to make." She whispered, loud in the sick den that was our camp.

"Yes, I do."

I didn't bother climbing up to my usual perch, I merely stood in front of my Clan.

"Cats of Jayclan, hear me speak! Starclan brings good news at last! There is catmint, enough to feed the whole Clan, in the back portion of our territory. There is only one thing stopping me from taking a patrol to fetch it right now, foxes."

"Foxes?" Meowed Ravenkit questioningly.

"They are beasts the size of two cats, russet red fur, fluffy tails, and fangs. They look a bit like a dog. There are four foxes in this den, a male, a female, and two cubs." I explain, waiting for this to register with the sick cats.

Ravenkit stumbles up to me.

"What is it, little one?"

"Achoo! Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask if the cubs are the size of me?" The kit asks.

I could swear he ment to sneeze on me.

"They would be a bit smaller than me by now. Are you feeling any better?"

"Not really. When can I become an apprentice?" He chirps.


"At no less than six moons, how old are you?" I reply.

"Four moons! Two moons until I get my warrior training, I'll be the biggest, toughest warrior ever!"

He's not four moons old, not even close. Maybe two...

"I'm sure you'll make us all very proud, why don't we go over to your nest?"

I need to watch him...

"Okay, I sleep next to Silverkit, she's a moon older than me." The kit mews as he leads me to his nest.

I lay down in his nest with him curled into my belly fur, and wonder if he just misses his mother.

"Nightstar, how are you?" Silverkit asks with a pointed glance at Ravenkit.

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Cold." She manages to look even more pathetic, shivering.

"Come here, I'm warm." I chuckle, scooting Ravenkit over a bit.

As she stumbles over, I notice her claws out.

'She's just cold.' I think.

She cuddles up to Ravenkit, and we all fall asleep.

At least I thought we did.

Jayclan: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now