Sickness Spreading

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Yes. I know I suck at keeping any sort of schedule. Sue me.

Snowclover's P.O.V.

Mintleaf came back without catmint after scouring the territory. The Gathering last night went bad, cats from all Clans arguing over petty things. Blueheart is worse. All this, and I have two more cats in the Medicine Den.

Sunpelt showed up around sunrise, Featherlight followed soon after. Both have Whitecough.

Silverfang's the only cat who seems to be lifting spirits. Her birth went well, and the kits are fine even with an early kitting.

"Snowclover, are you in here? I need a word." Nightstar calls.

"I'm coming! Stay out of here!" I meow quickly.

When I emerge from the Medicine Den she turns and pads towards the Leader's Den. Poolsky is waiting for us.

"We have a problem." The tom explains, flicking his tail towards my den.

"What?" I ask, bewildered.

"Featherlight is going to have a litter in three moons. Deerheart just told Nightstar."

"That tom won't keep his nose out of my den, this is probably why." I mutter.

"How much catmint do you have?" Nightstar pipes up.

"Barely enough for a moon with my current patients." I meow, thinking of my meager stores.

"Foxdung!" Our normally calm leader spits.

"What do you su-" I start, only to be interrupted.

"We have more patients. Cinderflame and Fireblaze just came in wheezing and streaming water out of their eyes." Mintleaf meows, breaking into our discussion.

"Any others?" I ask hurriedly.

"Bearpaw. He can't stop coughing." Mintleaf replies, bounding back to our shared den.

I'm on her paws.

In the short time I've been gone, Sunpelt has worsened. He is having great difficulty breathing through all the fluid blocking his airways. I instruct Mintleaf to clear his nose and mouth with moss.

Featherlight and Blueheart need water, Bearpaw gets honey to help his cough, Cinderflame and Fireblaze can't see a thing, so I give each a poultice to help with the watering eyes.

Mintleaf and I spend the rest on the day caring for our patients in the cramped den.

This continues on for half a moon, and a steady flow of minor injuries has been redirected to Spottedeyes. We get at least one more patient per day.

Then Blueheart dies.

The camp spares only the cats to bury her, for no cat truly knew the grey she-cat. That and we need every capable cat.

From the Medicine Den to the Elders Den is an area closed off by brambles. The sick are kept here, the worst off with Mintleaf and I. The elders ove to the Nursery.

More kits have been made apprentices, but I fear most aren't healthy long. Frostpaw and Meadowpaw both joined Bearpaw, both Ravenpaws followed after.

I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up.

Chapter End.

Not much to write, but a lot going on. So... I would say pray for your favorite characters, but I honestly don't think that would help them.

Love ya,


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