Second Day Scenarios

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_SilverFang_, NightShade105, and Wicca-Warriors, This one is for all three of you.

Hey, I updated after... *checks calendar* Sh*t, I can't count that high.

Meadowpaw's P.O.V.

Well, last night was... different. I couldn't sleep in the apprentice den, so I watched the others.

Frostpaw was snoring softly in the nest beside me, per usual, and Ravenpaw was cuddled up with Scorchpaw and Bearpaw. Still haven't figured that one out.

After a while I fell asleep, only to have an early morning wake up call.

"Cinderflame? Where are we going?" I ask.

"To a clearing, I need to teach you some basic herbs." The dark she-cat meows.


Once we arrive at a large clearing, Cinderflame heads towards a circular spring in the middle.

"Do you smell anything... odd?" She asks.

"It's a sweet, fruity smell!" I meow.

"Yes, those are blackberry plants, it's the one with small dark purple berries. Good job." Cinderflame tells me.

"Okay, what's it used for?"

"It is used to ease the swelling of bee stings, but only the leaves. The berries will make a good treat for the queens though! Grab a leaf from that plant over there." She purrs as her tail flicks towards a huge green plant with leaves the size of me.

Grabbing a smaller leaf, I drag it back over to Cinderflame.

"Good, now pick the berries carefully with your teeth. Try not to get to many stems." She tells me as she gets to work.

"Hey! That's my pelt you're poking!" Squeaks a kit, hidden in the bush apparently.

"Shut it! They're probably not friendly!" Hisses another kit.

How did we miss two kits, hidden in a blackberry bush? That one sounded a really young...

"Come out, now." Cinderflame orders.

Ducking his head, a small black kit crawls out. Another kit, a slightly larger silver she-cat, huffs and crawls out as well.

"Any more of you?" I ask.

"No! Just us, just us!" The she-kit squeals as the black tom starts to open his mouth.

"Meadowpaw, go check. We don't want any kits getting lost around here." Cinderflame whispers.

I pad back over to the blackberry bushes, and scent a third kit. This one, a cream she-cat with a bushy tail, struggles out of my grasp.

"Ravenkit, Silverkit! Is Amberpaw around here? Silverspeck? Are you hurt? Foxdung! Where is Fawnkit?!" The largest of the trio gasps out, I would guess that she's five moons old.

"A-Amberpaw left with Silverspeck to hunt. Fawnkit is in that bush!" Mewls the shivering bundle of black fur, tail flicking towards the third berry bush.

"Thanks, Ravenkit." The cream kit, Foxkit apparently, calms as she hauls a light brown kit out.

"Why are you in Jayclan territory, kits? Where are you running from?" Cinderflame asks.

"Jayclan? This is the welcoming party for the biggest Clan this side of the Huge Lake? Unbelievable!" Growls an indignant Silverkit.

"This was supposed to be a training exercise, before you three came along. Now why are you here?" I growl, annoyed.

"Clan fell apart, the usual story. We pretty much all share it." Foxkit meows.

"Ah, and why did you journey here?" Cinderflame takes over.

"Water, food, Clans... More than one Clan if we get turned down." Ravenkit mews.

"Come along. First we must find your friends." Cinderflame sighs.

We find the duo not far, loaded down with a few mice and shrews.

A young apprentice, most likely Amberpaw, growls as we appear.

"We are Jayclan members, and we've found your stowaways." Cinderflame meows, pushing the kits into view.

"How? If you two hurt them I swear-" The older she-cat starts.

"We offer you a place in our Clan. Kits should never travel in ideal circumstances." Cinderflame interrupts.

"I want to speak to your leader. Also, Fawnkit's parents need to be fetched." Silverspeck hisses.

Bending down, Silverspeck scoops up Ravenkit. She then motions to the exhausted looking Silverkit, expecting Cinderflame to carry the kit. Sighing, Amberpaw grabs Fawnkit.

Obliging, Cinderflame grasps Silverkit's scruff while Foxkit and Amberpaw follow me.

We find the to cats, Greenleaf and Whitespots, in a tree with a couple of squirrels.

"We found Jayclan! Or, rather, they found us." Amberpaw calls up to them, sitting Fawnkit on a bit of moss.

Jumping down, Whitespots eyes us warily but seems content to stay quiet. Greenleaf simply pucks up Fawnkit and nods to us.

Once we arrive at camp, Nightstar and Poolsky pad forward to meet us.

"Umm... Kits?" I mumble, earning a small chuckle.

"Who are these young cats?" Poolsky asks.

"Silverspeck, Amberpaw, Fawnkit, who is being carried by her mother, Greenleaf, Whitespots, Fawnkit's father, Foxkit, Cinderflame is carrying Silverkit, and Silverspeck is carrying Ravenkit." I meow.

"We wish to join." Amberpaw speaks up.

"These three need mothers. Our Clans sort of... dissipated." Silverspeck flicks her tail towards the three kits.

Ravenkit takes this opportunity to make to biggest yawn I've ever seen.

"Nightstar?" Poolsky meows.

"Bring the kits, we shall get you three a nest in your respective dens. Greenleaf is, of course, a queen so we'll give her a nest with all the kits. Please excuse the mess, the Warriors Den is being expanded." Nightstar pipes up after a moment.


I know, I know. Long wait, tiny chapter. I'll try harder, I promise. But hey, Volunteering is over for the summer, so I might be on more!

The newest (and some of the smallest) Jayclan members are:

2 moons
Black with dark blue, almost black, eyes.
Cold, hateful, quick to judge, ruthless, evil, follows Silverkit. (@JuzaIceDragon he will be extraordinarily evil soon, right now everycat is exhausted.)

3 moons
Silver with blue eyes.
At first she was shy, but when her parents died she became evil. She is now cold, ruthless, and hateful.
(Same with her!)

5 moons
Cream she-kit with green eyes and a bushy, fox-like tail in cream.
Kind, strong, lots of mistakes and flaws, soft on kits kits and kin.

7 moons
Light brown with darker brown stripes, one blue eye and one amber eye.
Grumpy and quiet, very sarcastic and speaks mind often.
She is deaf.
Silverspeck is her mentor.

A moon younger than Flintfang (I suck at math.)
Silver speckled fur with a white underbelly and tail tip, blue eyes.
Kind, energetic, great with kits, loyal, great at fishing.
She eventually becomes Flintfang's mate.
Mentor to Amberpaw.

2 moons
Light brown fur with white spots, beautiful hazel eyes.
Is kind to everyone, and loved by everyone.

Black with white spits and green eyes.
Mated to Greenleaf.
Father of Fawnkit.

Brown fur with green eyes.
Mated to Whitespots.
Mother of Fawnkit.

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