Death Tolls

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I'm just gonna keep getting more and more depressing. So whip out those tissues kids, let's see if you cry.

Ravenpaw (female) P.O.V.

I'm confined to my nest, Snowclover and Mintleaf look pretty ragged but they've managed to keep me here.

Some changes have been happening around camp. All the sick cats are currently sleeping in a large area between the elders' den and the medicine den. The sickest of us, Featherlight, Greystripe, and Sunpelt, are kept in the elders' den. Any cat who has a small injury has to go to Spottedeyes.

No new kits have been born, and the few we have are kept under close watch. After all, a cat has already died.

As I stand up to stretch, trying in vain to relieve my muscles of their cramps, a yowl sounds off.

The camp joins in the grief-stricken utterance, and Snowclover hauls Greystripe out of the elders' den. He's dead, I can smell it. I must admit, it doesn't smell that much different from the dozen or so sick cats whimpering beside me.

The yowl dies off slowly, and a chorus of coughs takes it's place. We have lost another Clan mate.

Mintleaf looks saddened but returns to giving out herbs.

Two down, only the rest of the clan to go.

Scorchpaw and Bearpaw are in nests close by, they got sick before I did.

The toms both want to be my mate. I can't let them fight so they've decided to stick by my side until I choose. Honestly, it's annoying.

I'm starting to nod off. The last thought that graces my mind before I fall under is, 'We're not going to get any better, are we?'

I open my eyes to Jaystar, oddly sparkly.

"What? Aren't you, ya know, dead?" Comes a voice from beside me.


"Dad? Why are we here? The Clan is sick." Featherlight meows as she pads up. Three kits are following her.

"You've all joined Starclan. I'm very sorry, but I can't change the past." Our old leader replies softly.

"But- No! I was just- No! We all have futures! Lives! You can't just tip that away from us! I - I'm going back!" I shriek, closing my eyes.

When I open them again, I'm still standing in front of Jaystar.

"Let me go home! I don't even know you! I- I need to go home! Mom is waiting for me! I was going to be a Warrior! Let me GO!" I yowl, slipping down onto the grass.

"Ravenpaw, -" Jaystar starts.

"No! Feed your mouse dung to some cat else! Mom and Dad need me!" I revolt, sounding weak to my own ears.

Jaystar doesn't say a word as my father, Silverstrike, pads into view.

"No! Daddy, no!" I whimper, breaking down.

Jaystar leads us into a starry field, inquiring the kits' names.

"Foxkit, Lilykit, and Bluekit. I want them to have strong names." Featherlight sniffs, mourning for what could have been.

"Then I accept Foxkit, Lilykit, Bluekit. Ravenpaw, Scorchpaw, Featherlight, and Silverstrike into Starclan. I wish you good hunting." Jaystar meows, pushing hid nose into his daughter's fur.

We follow the formerly blind cat through the sparkling fields, meeting a few cats. The sound of prey is frequent through the bushes, and everycat is happy.

"The only boundary is that one." Jaystar announces, pointing out a dark part of the forest.

"That's the Dark Forest, for obvious reasons. Evil cats lurk there. Resist it and Starclan will stay open to you." He goes on.

I stand there staring at the border for a while.

Join us, we will grant your deepest desires. Free us, we will give you the glory you seek. Join us. Join us.

Okay. That's creepy. Tempting, yet creepy.

I stalk off with a backwards glance.

End of Chapter

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