Chapter Six

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I cannot stress how stressful the process of looking for your own bags is... the little Lavendar ribbons I tied around the handles were supposed to make it easier. 

I spent all two weeks before leaving just looking at procedures for lost luggage. Yes, that is my worst nightmare. That and waking up in Planet of the Apes post apocalypse. (Nobody wants that)

I finally see them roll up on the belt, ribbons still attached to all four pieces of my old yet trusty cases. I did think about spending a little extra and maybe getting some new ones, but I'm a use-it-till-it-breaks kinda gal.

There's something soothing about walking out of the airport, in a place you don't know with a determination to make it feel like home. I could feel it, a slow spark warming my chest despite the cold breeze blowing against my faux cashmere coat. The warm reassures a part of me that had been denying its need to scream ' I have no idea what I'm doing '. But punctuality was never my strong suit so, I guess it's never too late.

I look out onto the final exit doors, pushing a trolley that is barely moving because Auntie J couldn't resist trying to pack the whole house. I can't find it in myself to be mad about it, because I know she just wanted me to have a little bit of home in a foreign battlefield. 

I look around letting the icy wind grace my cheeks and pull me out of my thoughts. 

I need coffee. 

I throw my eyes around looking for a cafe I could park my butt at for a hot cuppa, in a small distance I see a sign that reads 'Coffee, Cake, Croissant' and instantly I can almost taste the buttery layers melt in my mouth, just waiting to be washed down by a nice warm cup of Moc..


Just as soon as I realise it, I said that out loud, my mind takes me back to Mr. Mochaccino and my clumsy attempt to be chic and eat at the airport, ended with me ruining what was definitely an expensive suit and my chance to leave home gracefully. 

I know, I sound selfish, BUT I offered to pay for the dry cleaning, enough it would set my credit card back like two months, but...


I don't even know this guy's name. 

I'm never going to see him again. 

This is me overthinking for no apparent reason. 

I do have to admit he looked just as good as the wave of caffeine that hits me as soon as I walk through the cafe smells. A little bell rings and I'm met by an excellent spread of exactly what the sign says. 

Cake and Croissants! But SO many different kinds!

I see crescents and loafs, creams and... is that a BOAT?! 

I assume that the waiter could see my disposition, cause I'm not even trying to hide it. 

He did look really good though, didn't he? 

I walk up to the counter and try to smile away thoughts that have no business being rent free. 

"Hello there! What can I get started for you?" says the lady at the counter. 

What's your best seller?

"Well, that would have to be the Titanic"

See? Boat!

And what is that exactly, the Titanic? 

"It's a mega chocolate croissant that is split open and topped with strawberries, a free coffee of your choice, caramel and bergs butterscotch dip."

That sounds like a treat. 

Could I take a doggy bag?

"Of course!" she says smiling big.

She's pretty, but not in a pound of make-up way, but her smile is honest, and her green orbs say 'kind'. Not a bad thing to see when you've just moved across the country.

I'll take one Titanic please, but if you don't mind packing the croissant and everything else, I'll take the coffee and a regular croissant to have here?

"No problem at all, which coffee would you like to add to your Titanic?"

Really good... 

A Mochaccino please.

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