Chapter Four

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

Why are you so clumsy Ell?!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I say, trying desperately to not sink into the seat of embarrassment that has my name all over it. Fumbling with my hands desperately to try and pick up a couple of tissues to wipe down this guy's black trench coat.

I don't even look up at this guy's face and I'm dabbing his chest of... a Mochaccino?

Good taste.

"That's okay, don't worry about it." I hear a strong steady voice say. I look up at him to say I'm sorry again when the words don't come out. I'm standing there in the tiny sea of his Mochaccino, looking at his steel grey eyes...

It's the pretty boy from before!

"It's fine, really. Don't worry about it." He says taking tissues from the next table to wipe away what's left of his drink of his ash-grey... Shit~~~~

Shit. Shit. Shit!

That coat looks expensive.

Get your shit together and apologize.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you before I.." I try to get out as my cheeks turn bright red. "Don't worry about it, really. You couldn't have seen me from where you were standing. I should've looked at where I was going." He says with a soft smile, wiping his hands off with some fresh tissue.

"Still, that's no excuse..." I say bending down to pick up the remains of what was his coffee cup.

"True. Here, tell you what. You buy me a cup of coffee and we'll call it even." He proposes as he bends down to help pick the pieces up.

Is it me, or is he unrealistically nice for a pretty boy? Hey, hey. I know judging people isn't nice, but you can't blame me if all I have to relate to are stereotypical profiles that I mostly got from Netflix, because I didn't live my teenage years up.

"I think I can handle that." I say with a soft chuckle. I was enjoying his stray from the profile I had made up in my twisted mind.
"I'll be taking you up on that offer." He says with a smile as he picks up the last piece of broken ceramic and puts it in his tray before he stands up.

The cute guy from the counter was walking toward us with a mop as he reached out to help me up. His hands were soft and his grip firm.

"Thanks" I say as I take his hand and gather my balance. We stand aside as Matt, mops up the spilt Mochaccino that blends in with the tinted wood floors that cover the café.

"I'm Ellie, what's your..." I utter as I'm dusting myself off, when I look up and see that he was already walking away.

Maybe he fits that profile just fine I say to myself, as I sit down to gulp my now cold Vanilla latte and gobble up my blueberry cheesecake to make time for check-in.

With no time to savour anything, I scoff down the yummy combo before me, pick my colleges' brochure off of the table, gather my stuff and make my way to the check in counter.

Making it just in time, I get through to the boarding gate that's surrounded by duty-free shops and boutiques for overpriced keychains and scarfs.

What a rip off.

I make my way to a seat, set my things down and pull out my BFF for the next hour and a half. My favourite book of all time, tell me your dreams by my favourite got-to author Sydney Sheldon.

I untangle my earphones, choose a track, plug them in and dive into the book I've read more times than I can count.

And before I know it, I'm standing in line and boarding the plane to my untold future with Mr. Mochaccino on my mind.

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