Chapter Two

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It was a quiet ride to the airport, I could have turned on the radio to drown out the silence, sure. But there was comfort in the purr of my Toyota's engine against the wind. 

It's been 20 minutes since I left home, and I miss it already, how on earth am I going to survive living in San Jose? Did I mention that it's over 13 hours away from Glendale?! The buzzing city, famous and infamous for all sorts of things... Like occupational hazards and junkie dens', or maybe that was just my mom, I mean at this point, I can't even tell. 

Its true that home is where the people are, because even though I lived in Glendale all my life, I didn't really know it. The only places I can say I've even really been to are the mall, the movies, school and the fair. The only place I really knew, like really knew, was my neighbourhood. Not particularly because I went out alot, (I never went out lol) but, just because I was that kid that had her head in books with her Mp3 player on loud with both sides of the earphones plugged in, did not mean I was invisible. 

I baked cookies for fundraisers, and I mowed lawns and house sat for pocket money, didn't have alot of friends, but the ones that I did have were the best.  Tiana, Claire, Jeffrey and Vance.

They were my friends all through Middle and High school. And I cannot believe that I'm only gonna see them for break. But then again, That's college. Heartbreak and distance. I just didn't think I'd get the shorter end of the stick and end up with both of them. 

It's okay Ell, just get through this. Two years, that's all, It'll be over before you know it. 

Not great at pep talks as you can tell.

Coming up on my right, was the board that told me to take the upcoming right to head to the travel parking lot, and honestly? I just wanna turn right around and head back home. Maybe community college isn't as bad as they say it is? 

No Ell, Snap out it! You have got to do this, its the only way you can find him, and build your life and be there for Jer.  Maybe I'm not so bad at the pep talk thing? I think to myself, as I put the car in park. It's okay, I got this. 

I undo my seatbelt and make my way to the boot, picking up my black suitcases with green ribbons tied around the handles. "You need to be able to see your suitcase coming. You aren't the only person who likes black you know?" I can hear Aunt Jenna say as I run my fingers over the satin ribbon. Of course I can't be the only one, that would be a crime. 

Setting my bags up for the final count, I double check the car to check if it's locked, pick up my number and pay for the parking space and I make my way to the coffee shop, because lord knows I need it.

If anything was gonna stop my mind from running a mile a minute, it would be caffeine..

And that was when I saw him,  with thoughts of Cappuccinos and Mocha Lattes on my mind...

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