Chapter Three

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It should really be a crime to be that good looking. I can only imagine the amount of attention he must get, and all the pretty girls that fawn over him, I mean, look at me!

I don't really put myself in the 'pretty category', with my Hazel eyes, olive skin, and curly brown hair. I like to think that I'm easy on the eyes, I guess I have my mom to thank for that, although I'm sure I didn't get my eyes from her, I can't really say I got them from my dad because I was the size of a peanut when he up and left, or at least that's what my mom told me.

Anyway, I don't really have the time to be drooling over this piece of art, cause god knows I got enough on my plate.

I walk towards the counter in the cafe with a strut in my step, thanking Aunt Jenna for warning me against wearing heels to the airport.

"Hi, What can I get you?" said the guy behind the counter. He's kinda cute, with his sandy hair and soft green eyes. "Uhhhh.." I hum in glee, looking at the range of cinnamon rolls to creamy cheesecakes, and I love a good cheesecake. With waves of the coffee aroma washing over me, I settle on my favorites.

"A Vanilla latte and a Blueberry cheesecake, please" I say with a smile. Letting my eyes wander from his well-sculpted face to the name tag on his apron. Matt. It suits him, I think to myself. "That'll be 11.99$" I hear as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Cash or Credit?" He says with a steady tone. "Credit" I say clearing my throat as I hand him my American Express credit card and he receives it with a chuckle.

As I gather my thoughts I remember that the avocado stickers that Jer thought would be "Cool" as he put it, when in reality it looked like I was a 9 year old. I can feel the heat in my cheeks creep in as I smile back at him.

Don't say anything just smile, it's not like avocados are a big deal!

He hands me my card and receipt with what I think was a wink and sets off to make my drink. I catch myself smiling and... wait a minute. Ellie, what on earth was that?! I yell at myself with my quiet voice.

Did I just flirt with Matt?


Did I just call him by his name?


Why is that a big deal?

Wait a second, he winked. And that would mean he started it, so I'm good. Right? Right.

He comes back with a tray that holds my sanity in a cup and reason for existence on a plate, a couple of tissues, and a smile.

I offer him one in return as I take the tray, not paying mind to the thoughts on my mind, I turn around scanning the area for a nice secluded seat to settle in... and sure enough there's one on the far left corner of the Café.

Making my way to my seat, balancing my tray in one hand, dragging my suitcase and bags in the other. I've got my part-time job to thank for the one-handed-carrying-a-tray skills. Who knew it would come in handy?

I set my tray down and move to take off my coat when I hit something hard and hear a crash.

What did you do now Ellie.

I turn around to see a broken mug and brown liquid running toward my suitcase. I look up in a frantic mess to see him, in all his glory.

Little did I know, that wouldn't be the last time...

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