Chapter Five

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With the scent of airplane filling the confined space of the plane, and strangers shuffling to find their seats I grip my boarding pass looking for seat 10A. I walk with the stream of people who drop out of line as they find their seats.

3C, 6E, 8B... 10A!

I gently push past the empty seats until I get to seat 10A.

A window seat. At least I won't be bored.

I settle in, putting my hand luggage under my seat, setting up my playlist, and taking out my book.

There, all set. I take out my phone and send a quick text to Aunt Jenna to let her know that I made it on the plane in one piece.

Hey Aunt J!

I've checked in. Everything went fine. I've boarded the plane; we'll be taking off in a bit.

Besides having anxiety, the size of mars, this was my first time flying alone, and so far, it wasn't going bad. I mean unless you count that clumsy-cum-weird encounter with Mr. Mochaccino.

My text alert goes off and I check my phone.

7 texts from Claire, 4 texts from Tiana, 1 text from Jeffery and Vance, 16 Texts from Jer, 2 texts from Aunt J.

I open Aunt J's Text and leave the others unread. I miss them and reading their texts would not help in any way, I decide to answer them when I land and sort out everything.

Hi sweety.

That's good to hear. Keep everything where you can see it. Don't stress too much. Jer's waiting for you to call, so I told him you'd give him a ring when you settle in your dorm. Uncle Shaw sends his love <3

She's the best. I know she tries, and it shows in everything she does from her random baking sessions where we have to sample everything, she makes to the way she still checks on us after we're in bed. I never had a mother-daughter relationship, the way Aunt Jenna loves us is what I imagine it's like. Warm and tender with an ounce of 'Strict'.

The captain's announcement is out, and the plane starts moving. I seal myself in with the seatbelt and plug in my earphones to brace myself for the lift off.

A couple of seconds pass before we're off the ground and headed into the clouds.

San Jose, here I come!

I was heading to San Jose State University. I was accepted to Stanford University too, but the tuition was way too much to afford on part-time jobs and my allowance. So, I settled on the latter. And it wasn't a bad choice, it had everything I was looking for. A good ground, affordable fees, in the center of an area surrounded by a hospital, shops, the city mall, and a lake. I mean, I'd take that over a concrete jungle any day.

As Mirage by Elina plays, and I dive into Sidney Sheldon's masterpiece, I get this eerie feeling that someone's watching me. I don't look in that general direction, as I play Sherlock Holmes using my phone as a reflective surface, I see the body, but I can't figure out the face.

Well, duh, Ell. You don't know anyone on this plane.

I shake my head and rid myself of these self-incriminating thoughts and continue this episode of S.H.

The reflection shows me that the guy behind me is literally staring at my phone. I snap my phone out of view, feeling like I've been caught red-handed. The guy behind me lets out a cough and I sink in my seat.

I let it go, thinking nothing of the 'encounter' and get back to my book, and before I know it, we're landing...

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