[9] ==> DreaN\ Hive Sweet DreaN\ Hive

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I reach The end of the hallway which seems to be a maze when I reach a dream bubble which seemed to look like the forest that my hive was in before it was changed and destroyed.

The concrete floor slowly changed to softgreen grass. Surrounded by beautiful trees with blue leaves. /its good to be back/. I continue to follow the path leading to planks secured into the tree in a spiral pattern attached by rope it seems fairly secure to I when I made it. I climb the ladder. The more I climb the more i feel like a dork for panicing and running off like that. I enter my hive /Just how I left it/.  As I reminis in all the memories of my hive. I sit at my husktop playing around, its been awhile since I've been on here. Looking at all my saved Trollian logs from my friends folders for each, Kanaya, Terezi, Eridan, Karkat, (just about everyone pretty much) and Sollux, I click on the 'Sollux' folder. Several saved pesterlogs apprear, along side those pictures that i've taken with as well of some that he may not have know about.  As I looked though all of these memories, I begin to tear up, there are so many good memories between you two.  I decide to stay here awhile, looking though my folders you haven't touched in while.  It wasn't long before I was bored out of my mind; because now I am sitting on my balcony. Looking out into the forest that my home was placed. It wasn't long before i started tearing up because I was too much of a sissy to admit my feelings to Sollux. Of course i was took busy to notice the foot steps of a troll.

"2up MD, what are you looking at?" He lisped, in reaction to that, I pratically jumped out of my chair not expecting to hear that voice anytime soon, even if Terezi could've told Sollux where were I going.  

"U-uh, hi Sollux" I manged to mutter as Sollux towered over me, I know what he is going to ask, but then i managed to add "What brings you to uhh... my hive?" 

"only one que2tiion briing2 me here, and ii thiink you know what that ii2." Sollux placed a hand on the table leaning on it.

"Yea I know, but, I'N\ just... worried is all."

"worriied about what md? you know ii'm all ears" Sollux then prceeded to point to his ears with a smile on his cute face. Of course I get lost in his eyes, those bi colored eyes. I think i end up doing that for a minute. "uhh md? are you feeliing ok?" That got me to snap out of it, of course in a blushing manner i try to run  again. But this time, Sollux catches me from behind, like a hug grab? Boy he's got quite a grip. 

"comon md, tell me i'm not lettiing go until you tell me" My head hung there listening to his voice, then i sighed, i DID really want to tell him, but, being myself i overthink and proceed to panic, because I still think he still liked Aradia and Feferi. 

"O-ok fine Sollux, i'll tell you, but promise you won't  h-hate me for it ok?" I managed to say. 

"ok md ii promii2e ii wont be mad at you" As Sollux said that i could feel his grip tighten a bit more then he could've possibley held on.

I took a deep breath, if that was even possible because of the grip that sollux had on me. "WelL SolluX, I'mflushedforyou" I squeezed out into a seemingly one word. Sollux probably didn't hear it though. "ok you cam let go now Sollux"

"no ii dont thiink 2o md, a2 ii couldnt very well hear that la2t part" Sollxu nuzzled in closer,  oh geez. I could feel my face flush teal, even more then it was before. I took one more deep breath and very slowly, or tried to say " I  a N\  f l u s h e d  f o r  y o u  s o l l u x" Maybe saying it that slow didn't make it any easier, but i know Sollux understood that I had said. Wait, he lightens his grip in the slightest.

"ii2 that really what you ran off for meadra?" Sollux had whispered, since he hasn't really moved at all, but oh shit, he used your actual name. he never does that.

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