[5] ==> 2o ii'm not your moiiraiil

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“hey md what wath that all about?” Sollux turned his head to me who jumped in surprise. “OH HeY SolluX, IT WaS NothinG ReallY” I tried to think of an excuse.

“but kk wath rantiing, he only rantth when thomethiing happenth, common you can tell your buddy thollux” Sollux turned his body towards her.

“But isn't that a N\oirail thing?”

“what? i have to be your moirail inorder for you to tell me thomething?”

“N\aybe…” I said kind of trailing off, trying to desperately walk away to avoid answering the question.

“come on md you know you can tell me anything.” Sollux excused himself from the pile of feelings (aka, the horn pile) and walks up to me, he towers over me, he is just about the same height of Eridan. He is also very good at telling emotions. I look over at Eridan who was sitting at his computer Sollux notices my eyes to find Eridan sitting at his computer being pestered by Kanaya, his moirail, I can tell he looks awfully bored I guess you could say its one of his many talents, I guess. Sollux stands up tall again, and he smiles behind his bi-colored glasses, with bi-colored eyes to match.

“itth thomething to do with eridan ithn’t it?” Sollux questions Me with arms crossed. My head snaps back to Sollux, which i may say probably gave something away.

“no of course not, i’N\… just going to so sit at N\y coN\puter now.” I remarked stepping back, a blush teal appearing on my face as I wave at him and jog to my computer. I sit down I saw I had gotten a pesterlog

 caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling musicallyDeserted [MD]

CA: hey mea do you maybe wwanna do somethin later

CA: hello anyone there

CA: oh your talkin to sol

CA: i can see you ovver there

CA: shit kan is comin ovver just one second

CA: hey im back

CA: stop fuckin talkin to sol

MD: Relax, geez

CA: wwhat wwere you talkin to sol about

MD: He just wanted to know why Karkat was ranting

CA: wwhat did he say

MD: Well i told him nothing about us “US”.But he seeN\s pretty suspicious 

MD: He N\ight know not 100% sure

CA: is that true

CA: hes just so damned good at figurin trolls out

MD: Yep

MD: So should i say soN\ething or no?

CA: no evven if he is something like a moirail or some shit

MD: Ok then, N\aybe I could take up that request of hanging out soN\etime.

CA: cool sooo… wwhen evver anyone isn’t lookin

MD: Yep.

CA: ok see you then mea

caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling musicallyDeserted [MD]

I relaxed a bit, this is too much drama for me. I should’ve stayed quiet and admired from afar. I give up very easily, depending on the topic of course.Then I had gotten a message on Trollian from a certain he was right I could trust him but if only I could stop playing his games.

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