[8] ==> I Need To Tell You SoN\ething

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"Well should I tell sollux now? Or should I wait?" I looked up to Eridan for advice. 

"i think it depends if you really wwant to tell him ill be wwith you evvery step of the wway" Eridan  smiled at me but then added "i could evven be your moirail" I smiled back at him. I then stood up Eridan did as well.


I took a deep breath, knowing what i have to do, tell sollux. I stopped dead in my tracks choked up in fear. I felt a hand settle on my shoulder, I looked back to see Eridan smiling at me. I smiled back nervously.

"don't wworry mea im right here" Eridan gave me a little shove to get me walking again.

As I slowly walked closer Sollux still typing away at his little computer. I froze behind him, and stared into the back of his head. After standing there awhile Eridan figures he can just go ahead and cough to get his attention and make you turn around. /Dammit Eridan/ why can't you let me sulk in my respiteblock.

"what ii2 iit now ed?" Sollux says as he turns around in his rolling chair.  Eridan has a dumb smile on his face with his hands on my shoulders like the reasuring moirail, and he says "mead wwants to ask you somefin sol"

Me being flushed for Sollux obviously creates a teal color to form on my face.

"wwell mead tell him wwhats on your mind" Eridan rocks me back and forth still holding my shoulders.

I tried to find some courage in me but i begin to panic, trying to look any where but at Sollux and Eridan, locking my eyes on the door. lets hope I can run quick enough, and hope Sollux forgets about his psychic powers. I run behind and push Eridan into Sollux, then begin to make a mad dash to the hallway. I swear I ran for a full 5 minutes. I had finally gotten to my respiteblock. /Thank gog/

I reach The end of the hallway which seems to be a maze when I reach a dream bubble which seemed to look like my hive before it was changed and destroyed.

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