A Scream in the Night

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It was 3:33 in the morning; the best time of the day, in Wednesday's opinion. It was the fun time of the night, where things tended to get a little crazy. Normally, Wednesday would love to see mayhem transpire during the wicked hour, but tonight was different. She had an agenda.

Wednesday sat in the middle of her bedroom floor, an old ouija board displayed in front of her. A small candle to provide dim lighting was seated next to the board. Finding herself struggling to sleep, Wednesday had decided to mess around with the occult instead; it was one of her favourite pastimes, especially when she had trouble staying asleep. In this private séance, she was trying to communicate with the dead and see if she could talk with a spirit. An evil one, preferably. Or maybe, if she was really lucky, she could come across a demon.

Only, something kept breaking her concentration.

Loud shrieking and the sputtering of disconnected phrases echoed down the hall, replacing the traditionally wonderful, ominous silence of nighttime. It was Grandmama sleep talking again. Although, it was more of a sleep yelling than just mere talking. Her grandmother's harsh voice boomed in the dead of night, uttering gibberish. It wasn't uncommon for Grandmama to talk in her sleep, but it was never welcomed. Especially when Wednesday was busy.

Wednesday got up and walked out into the hallway, more than irritated. Another one of Grandmama's echoing screeches could be heard. In the distance, Wednesday heard the faint voice of Uncle Fester shout, "Shut up!" He was just as bothered by her racket.

Determined to wake Grandmama up from one of her nightly fits, she approached the grungy closet that her grandmother affectionately referred to as her "sleeping room," having modified the terminology since there was, in fact, no bed in the room.

After a moment of unintelligible yelling, Grandmama fell silent. Wednesday slowly opened the door, a small creaking breaking the momentary peace. Crumpled up in the corner of the closet lay the old woman, still fast asleep, her eyes twitching and darting back and forth inside her skull.

Wednesday poked her shoulder harshly. Still, Grandmama remained asleep. Poking her again, Wednesday hissed, "Grandmama, get up!" Suddenly, glossy eyes flew open and Grandmama jolted, letting out a loud scream. "You scared me!" she shouted, not bothering to keep her voice low.

"I don't care. You're yelling in your sleep again," Wednesday explained.

"Oh, my bad," Grandmama slurred, already falling back into a sleepy haze, "I was havin' a nightmare."

"We can't all be lucky," Wednesday lamented, "but stop waking the whole house when you have them. Some people are trying to talk to the dead, you know."

By now, Grandmama was mostly half-asleep. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Sorry," she mumbled, not paying attention. Otherwise she wouldn't have been caught dead giving an apology.

"Good." Feeling satisfied, Wednesday headed back to her room, hoping to resume her séance. She had just sat down and gotten in the zone when the yelling started back up again. Wednesday groaned, squeezing her fists together. It was impressive how fast Grandmama could pass out into a deep dream. Wednesday envied that ability. She took a deep breath and told herself to have patience: she'd take out her anger later. Right now, she had to put her occult session on hold and silence that horrible shouting.

Having a plan, she grabbed a stiff pillow and took it with her. She would make sure Grandmama would stay quiet.

Wednesday opened her bedroom door again, and a little ways down the hall, her brother opened his. He wasn't immune to Grandmama's incessant hollering either.

"She's doing it again," Pugsley yawned, sounding frustrated.

"I couldn't tell." Wednesday motioned for him to go back to sleep. "I'll get her."

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