The Intruder

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It was a crisp winter day. The wind was particularly brutal. Taking advantage of the wonderfully harsh weather, the Addams children were playing in the family pool in their backyard. The recent cold temperatures made the pool water freezing, and the windy conditions of the day made it even more chilling outside the water. A perfect day for swimming.

Thing was there too, as he was instructed to monitor the kids as well as spray a deadly concoction on the grass that had begun to overrun the Addams' mud pit. The mud pit had to be left bare. The grass needed to go.

As Thing began to perform his task, a powerful stream of water shot at him. Having good reflexes, he instantly fell flat to the ground and avoided the barrage; this wasn't the first time this happened. Stamping the ground angrily, Thing knew it was the kids shooting the hose at him again. He gestured for them to watch it as both of them laughed at his frustration.

The two were playing with a hose they had found in their neighbour's yard, having hooked it up to their own tap. Now changing the direction of the hose, Wednesday shot her brother in the face with it. They were taking turns bombarding each other with the harshest setting. Knowing how much Thing hated being wet, they occasionally hit him with the hose's powerful jet as well.

After a solid forty-three seconds, Wednesday released the handle of the hose and gave Pugsley a chance to breathe before he was to get sprayed again. Only, something distracted them both: a small, white butterfly had found its way into the Addams' yard.

It was a goal of the kids' that if anything were to come into the yard they would spray it until they knocked it down. Anything in the yard was fair game. Butterflies were the most common trespassers, so they were often the ones to be spotted and attacked. This one was no different.

"Butterfly!" Pugsley shouted, pointing at a nearby hemlock shrub in the yard. Immediately turning the hose on, Wednesday directed the nozzle at the shrub the butterfly was flying next to. "Get it, get it, get it!" Pugsley yelled as she shot at the white insect.

It was difficult to see, but it looked like the butterfly disappeared. Wednesday turned the water off and looked for any sign of the creature, but there was nothing.

"Did you get it?" Pugsley asked, looking around for it as well. She couldn't be fully certain, but Wednesday assumed that it was dead. It was rare for her to miss, so it was likely that the butterfly never escaped her aim. She would like to think so, anyway. "Yeah. It's down."


While the fate of the butterfly was left unrevealed, neither of the children ever saw it rise from the shrub again. That satisfied them enough.

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