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Gomez grabbed a ladder and headed for the attic. Reaching up, he took hold of the attic string and pulled. The old, broken remains of the attic's original stairs displayed themselves pathetically. Only three steps remained, but paired with the mobile ladder Gomez had, provided enough access to the attic. This method worked well, so no one bothered to fix the steps.

Placing the ladder down, Gomez climbed into the musty room. Taking in a deep breath of dust and decaying wood, he felt the grimy air enter his lungs. As he hoisted himself up, he felt little pieces of splintering wood tickle and irritate his skin. He had hoped to be cut by one, but he wasn't so lucky today.

Nevertheless, he resumed his mission: to find an old pot for Morticia's newest carnivorous plant. It was still a baby, so a small pot was necessary to provide it maximum comfort. Morticia's plants were very sensitive. However, she hadn't used a smaller pot in ages, which required a trip to the attic to fetch one. Not that Gomez minded helping her out; he loved visiting the attic.

It didn't take long for him to find a pot tiny enough to house the fledgeling plant, but he decided on taking his time. It was pleasant to take a moment to bask in all the forgotten treats the Addams' attic had to offer. Items that held stories and memories of past years that Gomez enjoyed recollecting.

However, it had been a long time since Gomez explored the very back of the attic. There had been no need to go there so the section often went neglected. But today was different; Gomez was feeling nostalgic. He chose to pay the normally overlooked objects a visit.

In the back of the attic, Gomez found an ancient-looking chest adorned with old toys of the children from when they were little. Each toy brought back many sweet memories of when Gomez and Morticia were fresh parents and attentively caring for their little ones.

Gomez picked up Wednesday's first lighter, remembering how she used it to set fire to the neighbours' bushes when she was a little girl. He could still vividly remember the police banging on their door and shouting at him and Morticia to control their daughter. What a lovely day that was.

Sighing wistfully, he went to set the lighter back in its place. Although, he found that it had been resting on something unfamiliar. It was an old VHS tape. Setting down the lighter, he blew the dust off the old film, curious as to what it could contain. He didn't remember any tapes being put in the attic, since all of the family recordings were displayed in the living room. So why was this tape cast aside, forgotten about for so many years? What secrets could be contained in this little black box, Gomez wondered with intrigue.

Then he saw the label.

With yellowed masking tape peeling off the front of it, Gomez saw the name "Sylvia" written on the tape with crude pencil. Instantly, he cringed. "¡Dios mios!" he muttered, "I thought Fester threw this out ages ago. How did it get in here?" Gomez couldn't understand why his brother had decided to keep the tape alone, much less in the attic of all places. Everyone had agreed to move past Sylvia, especially Fester. No one had liked her to begin with, but they couldn't forgive her after what she did to Fester. Having been upset over the ordeal, Fester had told Gomez to just forget she even existed, which wasn't hard to do. So, why was the tape still here, then?

Either way, the remnants of Sylvia's presence couldn't stay in the attic. Gomez didn't want that junk to be laying around in the previously wholesome environment. This was a special space, and this was NOT a family treat. Sylvia's memory needed to be removed in order to preserve the rest of the Addams' precious nostalgic items. He stared down at the tape in his hands, not sure what to do with it.

Then he got an idea.

Gomez certainly didn't want to remember Sylvia, and he was sure that Fester didn't either. It wouldn't hurt anyone to just throw it out. There was a good chance his brother had forgotten all about the tape, and even if he didn't, he surely wouldn't miss it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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