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It has been 3 years since the end of season two (making ash 17 now), btw this is a AU where ash never gets shot and Fez and Lexi are dating.

You are maddys cousin, your moms are sisters and your dad is black making you black. Your name is Maya Perez and your 17 years old. You moved in with you cousin maddy when you turned 16 she was moving into an apartment for her 19th birthday. Your best friend is Gia and you usually hanging out with Troy nd Roy.

You and ash have been dating for about a year now and you always help him with his drug dealing. Never anything to put you in danger though, usaully you just wait in the car and drive.  But sometimes you drop off packages or make deliveries for him and fez.

You living with maddy meant that you had more freedom and you spent nights as fez and ashs house.

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