Chapter 6

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I woke up from a text from my guy best friend elliot asking if i wanted to come over to try out some new drugs he had. I was never really a druggie and just barely smoked, but when I was with other people especially elliot I just felt different.

I met Ellie ( which is my nickname for him which he absolutely hates)  Through Rue. I honestly never was close with Rue I just happened to be around her a lot for some reason. Me and Ellie have been friends for about 2 years and I really just enjoy being around him. When i first met Elliot I kinda had a crush on him, I dont know why but I am a sucker for face tatoos its just so attractive to me. But I never did anything about it and all we really did was make out a few times while we were high but other then that hes always just been my best friend.

I dont think Ash likes Elliot, but if im being honest Ash dosent like anyone especailly any of my guy friends.

I got dressed into some gray nike pro shorts, a white t-shirt and my white air forces before putting my hair into a puff.

pt 2. coming soon

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