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Hi, I'm Emily, I'm best friends with the devil's daughter Seraph and Mugman's girlfriend. Today I'm gonna tell you about how I met Mugman.

Emily's POV: I was just reading my favorite book (insert favorite book name here) when I got a text from my best friend Seraph *Text* Hey Emily, there's a drunk guy just dancing on the table for some reason lol come and see. *End of text* as soon as I read the text I immediately teleported to the Casino and busted through the door and ordered a cocktail. When I saw her in her outfit my eyes sparkled, and I said ''Girl you look so pretty!'' after I said this, she shyly smiled and continued serving people their drinks. As I took a sip from my drink, I heard a guy yell at her saying '' I SAID THIS ISN'T WHAT I ORDERD! GO AND GET ANOTHER ONE!'' as soon as I heard this, I spun around in my chair to look, and I saw that the man pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Seraph. When I saw this rage started to boil inside me and a glowing blue orb appeared in my hand as I started to roll it around about use it on the dude but then I saw her turn into her demon form and bring out an orb that kills anyone on impact I smiled and put away my blue orb, but when he tried to shoot her that's when I got furious and my eyes glowed blue but when she caught it with her magic I calmed down. After the man ran out, I started clapping and cheering like everyone else. After she left And I finished my cocktail I decided to perform on stage the Wednesday dance *after the performance* when I finished the dance everyone cheered and after I decided to head home since it was already pretty late. After I got home, I decided to take a shower and head to bed because I has pretty tired. As I laid down, I started to hum a peaceful melody, and soon I fell asleep.

I will love you forever *Mugman x Emily OC*Where stories live. Discover now