The confession

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*one week later*

Emily's POV: 

I was in the casino helping out the cup brothers and Seraph with work when I saw that Cuphead was just staring at Seraph while she was waiting tables, Mugman noticed as well So we both walked over to Cuphead and asked him what's wrong. "Hey Cuphead, are you ok? why are you staring at Seraph?" "Yeah brother why are you staring at her? are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine it's just that I really wanna ask Seraph out on a date but I just can't build up the courage to do so and whenever I do, I just get all shy and walk away." "Oh! don't worry Cuphead he will try to help you in any way possible!" "Wait we will?" "of course we will Muggy! now how about we write a letter to her? that way you won't have to go up and talk to her and get all shy!" "You know what Emily, that's a great Idea! thank you!... wait but what will it say?" "Hmm How about you ask her to meet you at some place?" "That's a great idea honey!" "Ok well where should we meet up and when?" "how about at the Cafe on Brooks Street tomorrow?" "that's a great Idea guys! thank you so much!" "No problem brother" "Alwas happy to help".

Cuphead's POV:

I wrote the letter for Seraph, and I wondered when I should give it to her then I saw her on stage as she started singing, I thought "perfect!". I ran to backstage and as I saw someone heading towards her, I stopped them and asked if they could sneak that letter into her back pocket and they said yes. I thanked them and ran to the front of the audience and watched her perform. when she finished, I looked away blushing and left home with my brother,Mugman. When we went to bed I thought " Tomorrow's gonna be the big day" and slowly drifted away to sleep.

I will love you forever *Mugman x Emily OC*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt